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All You Should Know About Albino Ball Python Morphs

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Are you considering purchasing an albino ball python morph but want to know more about them?

Maybe you have heard that these calm and beautiful snakes make good companions and are intrigued. Or are you looking to deepen your knowledge about these snakes?

Whatever your reason might be, we have the answer for you!

A big yellow snake

These snakes are considered some of the best pet snakes for beginners. Not only are they incredibly docile, but they require very little maintenance, not needing a lighting schedule or a large tank.

And while this is fantastic news for those considering purchasing their first snake, there is more to these snakes than that. But what else? And how can we find it out?

That’s what we are here to tell you! Keep reading to find out all you should know about albino ball python morphs and view some fantastic pictures of them too!

Origins Of Albino Ball Python Morph 

So what are the origins of these snakes? Well, these morphs occurred naturally and were first found in Benin, Ghana, and Tongo, mainly in their jungles.

Many people and breeders believe that all albino ball python morphs bred today are descended from one male from Africa many decades ago.

Imagine trying to trace that family tree!

In terms of captive-bred albino ball python morphs, the first hatchling bred in captivity was hatched in 1992, making it one of the older variations of ball python morphs.

Genetics Of Albino Ball Python Morph 

Albino Ball Python Morphs were the first recessive mutation of the ball python series. Albinism is a recessive trait, meaning the genes are easily dominated, just like blue eyes in humans.

They are a recessive gene and are often overpowered by brown eyes, which is why we see more of them than blue eyes.

Albinism and the traits that these snakes have is due to a lack of melanin. Black, brown, and red pigmentation isn’t produced in their scales, leading to a light orange, white, or yellow color that we see in albino ball pythons.

Inside the albino ball python branch, there are a few varieties of snakes with either a high or low contrast. Let’s take a closer look at these now.

Low Contrast 

Low-contrast albino ball pythons don’t have white markings. Instead, they tend to be yellow with red eyes.

High Contrast 

High-contrast albino ball pythons will have a yellow-to-white contrast and a more distinguished pattern than others.

Although yellow and white are viewed as classic variations, other variations have now been bred since these snakes became more popular.

You can now see variations like lavender albino, where the ball pythons have some purple shades.

There are also albino snakes that do not produce black melanin but other pigments, so you can see albino ball pythons that are a deeper orange with darker eyes than others.

Health And Life Span

Albino ball python morphs on grass

Compared to other varieties of ball python morphs, albino ball pythons have very few health issues! Lots of morphs struggle with their health, leaving owners with expensive vet bills.

If you are looking to avoid this, then albino ball pythons are a fine option.

These snakes also have a long life, making this new pet a huge commitment. In their natural habitat, you can expect these snakes to live up to 12 years.

This lifespan is impressive but is shortened due to the bright colors that make them attractive and easy to spot prey.

In captivity, though, these snakes can live far longer! On average, albino ball python morphs can live for roughly 30 years!

That’s a long time with your new companion. Providing that you care for your snake correctly, they can live a long and happy life in your home with you.

How Much Does An Albino Ball Python Cost?

As these pythons are so popular and widely available, you can find ball pythons at an affordable price.

And albino ball pythons are no different! You can expect to pick up an albino ball python for between 200 and 500 dollars.

This is far cheaper than they used to be! Back when these snakes were first bred, you would need to shell out 7,500 dollars for an albino ball python!

Thanks to their popularity and lots of breeding, the cost is a lot lower these days.

You can purchase a hatchling for around 250 dollars and expect to spend double that for a young adult.

Remember, these are average costs, the breeder you choose, and the availability of albino ball pythons. You can also expect to pay more for a female hatchling or snake than a male.

Where Can I Buy An Albino Ball Python Morph?

So, where can you get these snakes from? Well, as they are so common, you can pick one up at a local exotic pet store.

You can also contact a local breeder, as most then have a wide range of ball pythons these days. Ball pythons are easy to sell and breed with, so you are bound to find no shortage of snakes to choose from!

You can also purchase these snakes online too. There are plenty of reputable sites to choose from, but we recommend CB Reptiles.

They only work with world-class breeders and excellent genetics, ensuring that you can purchase a high-quality albino python.

Where possible, you should purchase a ball python from reputable breeders that follow sustainable breeding and maintain high standards of breeding.

You can find these on sites like CB reptiles, but always be sure to do your research too.

Pictures Of Albino Ball Python Morphs 

Albino ball python morphs posted on a rock

Let’s take a look at some wonderful pictures of these snakes. You are sure to be blown away by the color variations and the unique style of their scales.

This snake has a beautiful bright yellow and white pattern with some orange-red eyes. You can see just how bright these albino snakes can be!

This next image shows a much lighter color but still a wonderful pattern! You can see just from these two images how different these snakes can be!

Finally, we have an albino python that is also a piebald! The beautiful bright yellow is contrasted by the lack of pigmentation on the bottom half of the snake.

As you can see, almost any snake can be an albino, provided it has the right traits!

Final Thoughts 

And there you have it; all you need to know about albino ball python morphs!

These unique snakes can still be found in the wild and captivity and are extremely popular with first-time pet owners and experienced snake owners alike.

Not only is this snake brightly colored, but it is easy to care for and incredibly docile.

These are wonderful snakes and one you should consider purchasing today! Before you leave us, be sure to check out our brief FAQ section to find out more about these snakes.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Get your last-minute questions answered below!

Are Albino Ball Pythons Easy To Care For?

Yes, these snakes are incredibly low-maintenance! You don’t need to worry about any lighting schedules, and feeding it is fairly easy too.

They make ideal pets for first-time owners. The only thing you need to concern yourself with is their eyes. Their red eyes are sensitive to light, so ensure that there is no UVB bulb in their tank.

Are Albino Ball Pythons Aggressive? 

No! These snakes are incredibly docile. The only time that these snakes can be aggressive is during feeding time.

When you feed them, they might be aggressive, and if they are hunting birds and small mammals, they can also become aggressive.

You will want to ensure that they can’t bite you when it’s feeding time!

You should still seek medical attention. Your best bet would be to stay calm and try to remain upright. Try to avoid touching the wound itself or moving anything near where it’s happened.

Just leave the area and wait for emergency services to arrive or until you administer some sort of medical features.

If you do end up getting stung by one of these snakes, remember to wash the sting out thoroughly to prevent infection. Don’t worry too much about being stung; just focus on staying alive and well.

At the end of the day, Hognoses aren’t particularly threatening to humans and will often just leave a bit of a cut rather than a full venomous experience.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.