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Are Huskies Smart?

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Huskies are known for being lovable pack animals that were originally bred to pull sleds and thus, need lots of exercise.

However, individuals who are interested in adopting or buying a Husky might be wondering: Are Huskies smart?

In this article, I cover some key information about a Husky’s intelligence to give you a better understanding of the breed and whether you’ve got what it takes to give one a home!

Without further ado, let’s get started.

So, are Huskies smart?

Are huskies smart

Bred to be working dogs, Huskies are incredibly intelligent, which in turn is part of what makes them so stubborn in nature. Huskies are not your average intelligent dog breed, that is incredibly obedient, easy to train, and willing to listen to your commands at all times. Bearing this in mind, then, what makes Huskies so intelligent is their independent nature. Despite being pack animals, Huskies are ironically very good at taking care of themselves and navigating their way around.

As a result of their stubbornness, Huskies can be notoriously difficult to train. It’s not that they aren’t smart enough to figure out what you want them to do, it’s that they are so intelligent that they will decide whether they want to follow what you are asking them to do or not.

They will decide if it is worth their time, and if it isn’t then they will ignore you. This can lead you to believe that a Husky isn’t intelligent enough to learn your commands, but it’s actually the opposite – they think they’re above your command until you show them you’re in charge.

The key to training a Husky is to start when they’re young. Huskies are incredibly independent and will try to rule the roost if you let them. By beginning their training young, whatever they are trained is all they will know. Bearing this in mind, they will see that they need to follow what you are saying because that’s how it’s always been.

Alongside this, you need to reward your Husky with positive reinforcement. When teaching them new tricks and commands, make sure that you are rewarding them with lots of verbal encouragement, treats, and plenty of love. By giving your Husky positive reinforcement and rewards, you are giving your Husky an incentive and a reason to do what they are supposed to. 

Last, but by no means least, be patient and persistent. Your Husky isn’t going to follow your commands overnight, it’s going to take time, effort, and determination to make sure that they know you’re boss.

That being said, their independence and stubbornness are just part of their nature and are what makes them so intelligent, so you can’t blame them for it. They’ll get there in the end, but it’s important that you practice patience and consistency to ensure that they get there as efficiently as they can.

That being said, if you are thinking about buying or adopting a Husky puppy, you will need to be prepared to put in the work to train them properly if you don’t want them to grow into a disobedient dog! Alongside this, it is recommended to not have more than two Huskies living in the same household at a time because they are more mischievous and get into more trouble when they are in a pack.

Are Huskies or German Shepherds smarter?

Are huskies smart. Gif1

The answer to this question will depend on what you perceive as smart. Both Huskies and German Shepherds are incredibly intelligent, but they are smart in different ways. 

For instance, a German Shepherd is much easier to train than a Husky, which might lead people to believe that they’re smarter. For this reason and because they are so loyal, German Shepherds are often used as service dogs, which is why you’ll often see them working alongside the police force or as guide dogs.

That being said, Huskies are more independent, whereas German Shepherds are people pleasers by nature, which may lead you to think that Huskies are smarter. Despite needing a firmer hand when it comes to training, Huskies are incredibly affectionate. German Shepherds, on the other hand, can be aloof until they bond with their owners. 

Similar to Huskies, if left to their own devices, the German Shepherd may become destructive due to boredom. This is especially true of these breeds when young, which is why you need to keep them stimulated with toys and ensure that they both are getting plenty of exercise throughout each and every day.

Which dog you opt for will depend on you and your preferences and what you have time for. Any dog can display destructive behaviors if their needs are not being met. When trained from a young age, both breeds are incredibly loyal and make great companions for families.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.