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How Much Should a Beagle Eat? Adult & Puppy Feeding Charts?

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Beagles are one of the most tenacious dogs that you might find in your pet store. Famously they are known as fox hunting dogs in the UK. They are known for their intelligence and their energy.

These dogs are often bought by owners because they are not prone to a lot of the genetic diseases that some dogs are known to experience, especially in later life. However, they do have one of the biggest appetites of any dog breed.

When you are feeding any kind of dog breed, there are a few factors that you’ll have to consider: how old is your beagle? What type of food are you feeding him? How much exercise are they getting on a daily basis?

These factors should all determine how much your dog is eating. If your dog is putting on weight, then the chances are that they aren’t exercising enough or perhaps you are giving them more than their daily dose of doggy kibble.How much should a beagle eat

Going by the general rule of thumb, you should give your dog no more than one cup full of dry dog food every single day. You should give it a portion of food to eat in the morning and a portion to eat in the evening. If you are cooking your dog fresh food, then we would recommend a handful of fresh dog food once a day.

But what is the maximum amount of calories that you should be feeding your beagle? How much exercise should your dog be getting for its age? What about older beagles and beagles puppies? How much can you be looking to spend on organic dog food for you and your favorite poochy pal?

Well, if you are looking for the perfect remedy for your beagle’s increasing weight gain, then look no further, as we have the one-stop shop for you and your pooch. This article will cover everything that you need to know about a beagle’s diet, as well as the exercise habits of beagles young and old.

How Much Should You Feed A Beagle?

When it comes to feeding your beagle the right amount of food, you’ll always have to bear in mind your dog’s energy levels, age and any preexisting conditions that they might have. If your dog has diabetes, for example, then you’ll be wanting to feed them significantly less than the average pooch to prevent weight gain and further health issues.

We would say that, generally, you should feed your dog around 55 calories per pound of body weight. This means that adult beagles will require around 45 calories of body weight, whereas senior pups will need around 42 calories per pound of body weight.

However, if you have a very restless puppy, then you might need to increase that intake, as it will be burning off far more energy than your average beagle.

A great method of being able to tell whether or not your dog is the ideal weight is by placing your hands gently on the dog’s back and checking whether you can feel the spine and ribcage with just a little pressure. If you can see the bones through your dog’s rib cage, then this will be a surefire way of knowing that your dog is underweight.

However, if you cannot feel your dog’s bones without applying considerable pressure, then the chances are that your dog has been eating too much as is actually overweight. A dog carrying excess weight is no big concern, but if you leave this go unchecked, then it can lead to obesity and diabetes. Weight gain in older dogs should also be avoided.

We would recommend that you consult with a veterinarian if your dog is experiencing significant weight gain. A vet can recommend a very good diet program that will get your dog trim in a matter of weeks.

How Much Food Does A Beagle Puppy Need?

A beagle is still regarded as a puppy by most experts, right up until the age of 2 years old. At this stage in your dog’s development, it will need a lot more calories than it will when it gets older, as the dog is still growing.

When your dog reaches adolescence, this will probably be the peak of its development and it will be craving more food than usual. This is when the dog will have a lot of hormones which will require more nutrients and more food in total.

But how much will you exactly need to feed your beagle pup? Well, this will all depend on the type of food that you are giving to it.

In all but the most energetic of beagle pups, you’ll be needing to give it around 55 calories of food for every pound of bodyweight. However, if you are noticing the bones of your young beagle, then it might be underweight due to an increased energy supply. If your dog is more energetic, then you should add around 10 calories to its average intake.

As your beagle is growing then you’ll need to make sure that it has enough calories to reach its full potential. Make sure that you are feeding it either enough dry or organic dog food to keep it growing. You should always check the packaging of your dog’s food before you give it to your pup, in case it contains ingredients that might be harmful.

If you are feeding your beagle puppy food that you have picked up from the store, then you should probably feed it upwards of two dry cups of dog food per day. If you are feeding it wet dog food, then we would recommend two tins per day.

Bear in mind that wet dog food is generally pricier than dry dog food, so make sure that you have the budget to keep splashing out on this every day of the month. If you are on a budget, then you can buy mostly dry dog food, opting for the wet stuff as a treat once or twice a week.

A great method of keeping an eye on your beagle pup’s calorie intake is by making their dog food at home. All you have to do is cook some fresh chicken or beef, chop it up into chewable chunks and then weigh it out so that you know exactly how much food it is getting daily.

Organic chicken, beef and fresh fish are a great source of protein for your growing puppy. We would always recommend fresh ingredients over processed dog food any day of the week. Cheap dog food is often filled with ‘meal’, which is a cheap processed food that contains very little nutrients.

Again, if you are worried about the amount of food that your dog is giving you, then we would recommend that you consult with your vet and get a proper diet plan worked out between you.

How Much Food Does A Beagle Pup Need Daily?

As mentioned above, you need to give your growing pup much more food than you would as an adult, as it needs plenty of fuel with which it can grow. If your pup is around 8 weeks old, then you should be feeding it around 3 times a day. Once your pup has reached around 6 months old, then you should reduce the feeding time to simply twice a day, morning and afternoon.

Again, if you notice that your dog has an increased energy level, then we would recommend that you keep its food intake slightly above average levels. However, you should still reduce the amount of food that you’re giving your pup as it reaches the 6 month mark. Rather, you should increase the calorie intake of those twice a day meals.

You should keep the feeding ritual very strict. The reasons for this are twofold. The main reason being that your dog will get used to this feeding regime and won’t come begging you during the day. It will also reduce the amount of scavenging that your dog will be doing throughout the day.

If you notice that your dog is scavenging for food, eating other creature’s excrement or grass, the chances are that it is either not getting enough food or it is deficient in a certain type of nutrient. If you notice your dog dropping weight this consult its nutrient content and make sure that your dog is having enough calories.

Making sure that your dog gets enough calories is very important for its health, particularly when it is a puppy. Making sure that these mealtimes are spread out is very important, usually one portion during the morning and one in the early evening so that it does not get too hungry before bedtime.

The Best Method For Feeding Beagle Puppies

When you’re puppy reaches the 8-week old watershed, you mustn’t make any radical alteration in its diet. If you are picking him up from an adoption center or another owner, make sure that you find out what your beagle is eating and continue with that diet.

If you switch his diet straight away to another food, then you can be sure that he will start to experience symptoms like an upset stomach, diarrhea or perhaps constipation. You should continue using the same brand of dog food, keeping the nutrient levels consistent.

If you want to give your dog a healthier brand of dog food, then you should phase it slowly into its diet. You can start this by making up a meal that is a quarter new dog food and three-quarters old dog food, then half and half etc, etc. This gradual transition should take place over a few weeks.

Once your puppy food has completely transitioned to the new dog food, you should still keep an eye on your pup for signs of allergies, as well as vomiting and diarrhea. A beagle puppy’s digestion is still very delicate and it can experience reactions to certain ingredients that it won’t suffer from as it gets older.

Here are some of the symptoms that you should be watching for in your dog after it has been fully transitioned to a new dog food:

  • Loss of appetite – if your puppy has been leaving over half of its food consistently over a few days, this might be a sign it is not well.
  • Increased gassiness – if you are noticing an increased smell around your pooch at this time, then we would recommend that you examine its diet or take it to the vets.
  • Gurgling tummy – if your dog’s stomach is gurgling, then this can be a very sure sign that its belly is in strong disagreement with something in its dog food.
  • Vomiting – if your dog is regurgitating the contents of its food within the hour of consumption, then we would recommend that you take it to see the vets.
  • Diarrhea – likewise, if your dog is experiencing runny stools soon after eating, then maybe something in your dog’s food is causing inflammation in the stomach.
  • Eating grass – this is a sign that all is not well with your pup and it might need a consultation.

If any of these early warnings start occurring in your dog then we would recommend that you cut back on any new introductions to its diet. Then take your dog to the vet to rule out any allergies. Often you’ll have to trial and error certain ingredients to make sure that it isn’t suffering from any complaints.

The way to reduce any upset in your dog’s diet is to keep a close eye on it and notice any changes in its behavior. If your dog has low energy or mood, this could also be a sign that it is not happy with recent changes in its diet.

The Best Method For Feeding Beagle Adults

How much should a beagle eat. Gif1

When your beagle hits the age of 2, then it should be regarded as an adult. Once you have blown the candles on your dog’s second birthday, then you should reduce its overall calorie intake to 45 calories per pound.

How many times a day you feed your adult beagle will all depend on how active they are during the day. On average, we would recommend feeding your beagle one cup of dry dog food once a day. You should split this up into two servings, one in the morning and one in the early afternoon or evening.

Again, if your dog is particularly energetic, then we would recommend that you feed it 20% more than the usual amount. Conversely, if your dog is underweight, then we would suggest that you feed it 20% under the usual amount.

If you are buying your dog wet dog food, we would suggest feeding your adult beagle no more than one can every day. This can should be split into 2 portions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon or evening. If you want to make sure exactly how many calories you’re feeding your beagle, then you should use a weighing scale.

You can correlate the number of calories that you’re meant to feed your dog along with how much food you’re weighing out for them every day.

The Best Method For Feeding Senior Beagles

When your beagle reaches the ripe old age of 9, then you should consider it to be a senior hound. Once the metabolism and energy levels of your hound start to diminish, then you should start altering its food intake per new guidelines.

When your dog reaches old age, then it will be a lot more prone to putting on weight and developing serious conditions such as diabetes, obesity and other ailments.

Experts recommend that once your dog reaches 9, then you should lower its calorie count to around 42 calories per pound of body weight. In much the same manner as before, you should apportion your food over two meals, one in the morning and one in the evening or afternoon.

Again, doing this will give him enough energy to keep active throughout the day, but will be enough to keep them slim and healthy, preventing the various diseases and conditions that come with old age.

When your beagle gets to old age, you’ll want to make sure that you are feeding them enough fatty acids. This will not only keep their brain well oiled, but it is also good for joint and muscular health. Fatty acids are also great for promoting a healthy gut, bones, hair and skin. You should notice the change in your pup’s glossy coat when you increase the fatty acid intake.

You can also alter your dog’s food so that it is softer, as this will make it easier to digest and will keep their aging teeth in great condition. If your dog chips a tooth in old age, then it won’t grow back and will be much harder to chew wood, bones and other hard things.

You’ll need to supervise your beagle’s health much more keenly as it gets older, as it will start to develop symptoms of certain conditions. If you notice that your beagle has started to lose energy or have dips in its mood or appetite, then you should consult with your vet immediately to rule out any serious illnesses and work out any new diet changes.

The Reason Beagles Eat A Lot

Beagles have great difficulty in knowing when to stop eating. This is one of the main reasons that you have to make sure that all food is just out of their reach, otherwise they would eat the entire contents of your fridge if they desired.

There have been many beagle owners that have reported a great difficulty in keeping their beagles out of the cupboards and fridge. If you leave a piece of food unattended on the kitchen table, then you can guarantee that your beagle will do its best to get on top of that table and consume as much food as it can.

This is why it is important to maintain a strict regimen with your beagle, as they are likely to overeat, which could result in significant weight gain and vomiting. Remember that your beagles appetite will not be sated with old age, which means it will be very difficult to keep their weight down as they get older.

You must make sure that your beagle does not put on too much weight as it grows older, as it will be a lot harder to shift. The fact is that it can take up to 3 full days before your dog digests its food, so you’ll need to make sure that it is not overeating on a regular basis.

This is one of the main reasons why it will take your dog so long to feel full. Remember that at any one time your dog is probably already ingesting a few meals from the day before, so you’ll need to give it time to catch up.

How To Alter Your Beagle’s Feeding Habits

One method of rectifying your beagle’s bottomless stomach is by fixing the behaviours around mealtimes. Implementing a strict food eating schedule will be very important with regulating its hunger and making sure that your dog will be ready for mealtimes and not fixate on snacking in between meals.

This might also reduce the general anxiety your dog might have around eating. You can even implement a training system where your beagle waits just before eating, when it obeys then it’s reward will be the food.

If you leave your dog at home all day while you’re out at work, then you’ll want to reduce the amount that your dog hunts for food. This could lead to increased damage to property as your dog scrummages for food.

One thing that you must not do is give your dog with scraps from the kitchen. This is what is known as rewarding bad behavior. If your dog gives you puppy eye when you are in the kitchen and you end up giving in, then you can be sure that your dog will not leave you alone during mealtimes.

Maintaining consistent meal times will keep your dog’s appetite in check and make sure that you condition them to not identify too strongly with its insane cravings.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.