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How Much Does A Bloodhound Cost?

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Bloodhounds are a well-known, gorgeous dog breed that is revered for their speed, stamina, and ability to track down prey, known primarily as scent hounds thanks to their stellar sense of smell.

The Bloodhound is an ancient breed that has been around since at least 15th century England.

Two portrait of bloodhound dogs

They were originally bred as hunting hounds, but are now mainly used for tracking. They are one of the best breeds to train in terms of obedience.

We are going to be taking a look at how much these dogs can cost when purchased from a reputable breeder, as well as a guide to how to go about purchasing puppies and dogs in a safe and ethical way.

How Much Does A Bloodhound Cost?

A healthy bloodhound has an average cost of anywhere from $1,000-$3,500.

A puppy born in a shelter will typically have an average cost of less than $600. Puppies sold privately can range from $800-$2,000, whereas adult bloodhounds can run anywhere from $700-$4,000.

The average price range of a bloodhound- be it an adult or a puppy- may vary depending on the age, sex, coat color, temperament, and overall health of the animal.

The Bloodhound Breed

The Bloodhound is a large, powerful, athletic dog with a thick coat and a long nose. They have a very high energy level and need lots of exercises and mental stimulation. This makes them great guard dogs.

The bloodhound is a working dog and needs to keep active and busy every day. If not given enough exercise, they can become destructive.

Bloodhounds need to be trained and socialized early on so that they don’t grow into bad habits. They are known for their incredible sense of smell, allowing them to easily pick up a scent trail.

They are intelligent, loyal, brave, and affectionate. These traits make them perfect house pets. However, they do require a lot of attention and training.

The Bloodhound’s Appearance

The Bloodhound is an impressive-looking dog. Their size and weight vary depending on the individual. Some weigh between 50-75 pounds, while others can reach 100 pounds.

Their coats come in many different color combinations including black, red, tan, white, blue, chocolate, liver, brindle, and sable.

They tend to have large, square-shaped heads with flat skulls. They have short, wide muzzles and ears that are set low and droopy, which is one of their most famous features!

Bloodhound Health Issues

There are several health issues associated with this breed, which you need to keep in mind before considering purchasing a Bloodhound. One of their more prominent medical conditions is hip dysplasia.

Hip dysplasia can cause pain and stiffness in a dog’s hips.

This condition usually occurs during puppyhood and can cause lameness if not treated appropriately.

Another issue is epilepsy. Epilepsy is caused by brain damage and can be treated with medication.

Heart disease is another common problem for the breed. These heart issues can include enlargement of the left ventricle (the main pumping chamber) and mitral valve prolapse.

They are also prone to skin issues- like dermatitis- as well as ear infections due to those iconic, long, droopy ears

How To Go About Finding A Reputable Bloodhound Breeder

Finding a good breeder is important when buying any type of dog. You want to find a breeder who knows what they are doing and treats their animals well. There are a number of factors that you should consider before choosing a breeder.

First off, you need to know your budget. How much money are you willing to spend on a pup? Are you able to afford the vet bills? Do you plan on having more than one dog?

Will you be getting a male or female? What kind of personality does the breeder think you would prefer?

All of these questions help determine whether or not you should choose a particular breeder. You should also ask yourself why you want a bloodhound. Is the dog going to be for companionship or work?

Bloodhound sitting in the park

Do you want a show-quality dog or just a pet? Once you answer these questions, you can narrow down your choices.

You should always check references from previous owners. You can go about this in a number of ways, such as via friends and family through their own experiences with a breeder.

Furthermore, you should also look at online reviews if there are any. Read through them to see how other people feel about the breeder.

Another way to go about finding a reputable breeder is to attend local shows. Many breeders will have booths where you can meet potential buyers at certain dog shows.

Look around and talk to the exhibitors. You can also visit the kennel club website to get information about the breed.

Caring For A Bloodhound

The care of a bloodhound requires patience and consistency. It takes time to train them properly. When training a bloodhound, remember that they are very intelligent dogs.

When taking your bloodhound out for walks, make sure that they have plenty of exercises. Walking your dog every day helps to keep its muscles strong.

When feeding your bloodhound, make sure you feed him twice daily. Feeding three times a day is excessive. Always use fresh food rather than dry food.

Too much dry food can cause diarrhea and stomach upset. Bloodhounds also require regular grooming.

Make sure to brush their coats regularly to remove any dead hair and dirt. Use a soft brush and never pull too much on their fur.

If you notice any signs of illness, contact your veterinarian immediately. As we mentioned, some common illnesses in Bloodhounds include ear infections, eye problems, skin conditions, and respiratory issues.

Bloodhound Puppies

Puppies are usually between 8-12 weeks old when they leave the breeder. They should never be separated from their mothers before they are 8 weeks of age. Bloodhound puppies tend to weigh around 10 pounds at birth.

This weight can increase up to 20 pounds by the time they reach adulthood. Your chosen breeder should be able to provide you with all necessary paperwork, including shots and worming records.

How To Buy Puppies Safely And Humanely

Buying puppies from a reputable breeder is one of the best ways to ensure that you are getting a healthy, well-cared-for puppy.

However, buying a puppy from a backyard breeder or someone who doesn’t have experience raising animals, can lead to some serious concerns. There are several things you need to consider before purchasing a puppy.

First, ask yourself if you really want a dog. There are many reasons why you might want a pet, but owning a dog isn’t necessarily one of them.

You should know what kind of lifestyle you want before making a decision. Do you live in an apartment or house? Do you work long hours? Do you travel frequently? Do you have kids?

These questions help determine how much time you will be able to devote to caring for your new puppy.

You should also think about whether you want a male or female puppy. Males tend to be more aggressive and territorial, whereas females are generally calmer and easier to handle.

Finally, you should decide how much money you are willing to spend on your new companion. Puppy prices vary widely depending on breed, sex, age, health, and temperament.

You may find it difficult to resist a cute little puppy begging for attention, but don’t forget that spending money on a puppy is only part of the equation.

Once you bring your new friend home, you must take into account the cost of food, toys, vet bills, boarding fees, and other expenses. It isn’t fair on the puppy if you bring them home, but are then unable to care for them appropriately.

Final Thoughts

If you are interested in purchasing a bloodhound, you should first decide if you are ready to commit to owning a dog. A bloodhound is a big commitment. It takes time and money to train and care for a dog.

If you do decide to buy a bloodhound, make sure that you have thoroughly researched the breed beforehand.

Once you have done all the correct research, you are well on finding the bloodhound that will become the perfect family pet.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.