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Are Dutch Shepherds Hypoallergenic?

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The Dutch Shepherd is an excellent working dog that is an incredibly popular dog breed due to their intelligence and their friendly personalities, making them excellent family dogs. 

However, if you have allergies or asthma, then they may not be the right breed for you.

Sleeping dutch shepherds

If this is the case, and you are still determined that you want a Dutch Shepherd as a companion, there are ways that you can limit your allergies. 

But is a Dutch shepherd hypoallergenic? Find out in this guide!

What Makes a Dog Breed Hypoallergenic?

When discussing a hypoallergenic dog breed (the word itself formed from the Greek hupo – meaning “under” + allos meaning “other”), the word relates to the ability of a particular type of animal to cause fewer allergic reactions than others.

It is important to note that animals do not actually produce allergens; instead, their presence triggers an immune response in people who are allergic to those specific substances.

Hypoallergenic does not necessarily mean that the animal will not trigger an allergic reaction in everyone. For example, cats and dogs both produce dander, which is responsible for many cases of pet allergies.

However, because cats shed less dander than dogs, they are generally considered to be less likely to cause allergies in humans. 

In addition, cats tend to live indoors while dogs spend a fair amount of their time outdoors, so they are exposed to different types of allergens more frequently, such as pollen and dust particles.

Therefore, indoor pets are less likely to carry certain allergens than pets that spend a lot of time outdoors.

While some dog breeds are naturally more prone to carrying allergens than others, certain factors can increase or decrease the likelihood of an individual being allergic to a particular breed.

These include genetics, diet, environment, and even how often the dog sheds hair. 

Dogs with short coats are typically less likely to cause allergies than long-haired dogs. The reason behind this is that short-coated dogs don’t shed as much fur as longer-haired dogs, so they are less likely to expose allergy sufferers to foreign proteins.

Shedding is also a factor that plays a role in determining whether a dog will trigger allergies. Long-haired dogs tend to shed less frequently than short-haired dogs.

When a dog’s coat is constantly growing back, it exposes people to new protein fragments from the skin cells that were just shed. 

On the other hand, when a dog has shorter hair, their coat will only grow back after it has been shed. As a result, the coat doesn’t leave behind any new protein fragments on the surface of its skin. 

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

The American Kennel Club recognizes three categories of dog breeds in terms of allergies:

1) Intolerant breeds – these are the most common breeds used by people with allergies and asthma. They are also known as non-shedding breeds.

2) Semi-intolerant breeds – these breeds are generally good choices for people who have mild allergies or asthma. They are usually very easy to care for and require minimal grooming.

3) Allergic breeds – these breeds are the least desirable choice for anyone with allergies or asthma. They need daily brushing and bathing, and those with allergies may require medication to control their behavior.

Are Dutch Shepherds Hypoallergenic?

Blonde dutch shepherds

Dutch Shepherds are an active and healthy breed of dog that requires daily exercise. They have been bred over hundreds of years, with a history rooted in herding ancestry and livestock guarding, as well as acting as companions for farmers.

They are also very friendly and easy-going, making for a particularly social breed.

Dutch Shepherds are not hypoallergenic and can sometimes cause allergies in those who come into contact with them.

If you or anyone in your family experiences severe and frequent allergies when coming into contact with dogs- such as respiratory problems, ear infections, or rashes- then you may want to consider a different breed.

That being said, if you love the idea of having a Dutch Shepherd and your allergies are only mild, having one as a pet is still a possibility.

If you do decide to keep a Dutch Shepherd, there are several things you can do to minimize the risk of triggering allergies.

First, make sure that you wash your hands before petting or handling your dog to remove any allergens that might come from your dog’s coat. 

Secondly, be careful not to touch your face while interacting with your dog for the same reason. Thirdly, use caution when cleaning up after your dog to avoid coming into contact with any bacteria.

These activities can lead to bacteria entering your nose and causing an infection.

Can I Get Rid of Dog Allergies Naturally?

Allergic reactions to dogs are caused by exposure to specific allergens. People who suffer from pet allergies are most commonly affected by two types of allergens: dander and saliva.

Dander is the solid material found in a dog’s fur that gets rubbed off during normal activity like walking around the house. Saliva is secreted through a dog’s mouth and contains proteins that irritate the eyes, ears, and throat. 

Environmental allergens are also common triggers of canine allergies.

Pollen is one such allergen that many people encounter during springtime, as it is present in the air and on plants. It is also able to affect both humans and animals. 

Like other types of allergens, pollen can cause inflammation and itching in the nose, eyes, throat, and lungs. This can make breathing difficult and can lead to coughing fits. In severe cases, it can even trigger asthma attacks.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and treat allergies naturally. You can learn how to do this at home with natural remedies. Here are three effective methods that you can use to get rid of dog allergies naturally.

Avoid Exposure to Environmental Allergens

One of the best things you can do to avoid getting allergic reactions from your dog is to keep him away from certain environmental allergens. The easiest way to accomplish this is to keep your pet indoors during peak pollen times. If you live in an area where pollen counts are high, consider keeping your dog inside until the weather starts to cool down.

Avoid Pet Dander and Saliva

Another way to reduce the chances of developing dog allergies is to limit your exposure to pet dander and saliva. To do so, try to keep your dog out of areas where they could potentially rub against furniture or carpeting. 

Keep their bedding clean and change it frequently. You also will want to avoid letting your dog lick your face. Finally, make sure to wash your hands regularly to remove any allergens they pick up from your dog.

Use Natural Remedies

There are several natural remedies that you can use to help control your dog’s allergies. One of the simplest options is to feed your dog raw bones instead of cooked ones.

Raw meat contains fewer allergens than cooked meats, which makes it easier for your dog to digest. Another option is to switch them to a hypoallergenic diet.

Hypoallergenic dog food is made without common allergens, making it easy for your dog to consume.

Final Thoughts

Allergic reactions to dogs are very real. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural remedies that you can try to alleviate the problem.

 Dutch Shepherds might not be a hypoallergenic breed per se- due to being heavy seasonal shedders-, but there are plenty of ways that you can protect yourself should you want one of these lovely, intelligent breeds of dogs.

Technically, no dog is entirely hypoallergenic anyway! 

By following the tips that we have talked about above, you can easily keep your dog healthy and happy, while reducing the chances of you or your family members developing allergies.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.