Ask a Vet

Are Dalmatians Hypoallergenic?

By Kerry
Updated on

Dalmatians are a beloved dog breed worldwide that was made infamous by their star turn in the book turned Disney film 101 Dalmatians!

This has led to an influx of people getting Dalmatians as pets due to the white and black spots that adorn their coats and cute cartoon counterparts, despite not knowing much about properly caring for the breed.

Dalmatian in a blue background with red bed beside him

One of the many issues with this is that those with allergies might jump into owning this particular breed without knowing if they are suitable dogs to have when you suffer from these kinds of allergies.

With this in mind, we will be looking at whether the Dalmatian breed is hypoallergenic, as well as how you can tell if you have dog allergies and how to manage them if so.

We’re also going to have a look at some basic information about the Dalmatian to give you a proper grasp of the breed in general. Let’s get started.

The Dalmatian As A Dog Breed

The Dalmatian is an ancient dog breed, having been around since the Roman Empire. They were used in various ways, such as for hunting, guarding, and herding- due to being a very active breed- and for companion purposes.

During the Middle Ages, the Dalmatian became most widely known as a dog breed throughout Europe.

It wasn’t until the 19th century that the Dalmatian was bred with other breeds, such as the German Shepherd and the Cocker Spaniel, resulting in the creation of the present-day Dalmatian.

Over one million Dalmatians are living in homes across the world today.

The History Of The Dalmatian

Dalmatian on grass

As we mentioned, dogs from the Dalmatian breed date back to ancient Rome, where their primary use was hunting and guarding as they are energetic. Over time, they started being used for other purposes, such as racing and breeding.

During the Middle Ages in Europe, the Dalmatian became a working dog and was commonly used for herding sheep. It was during the 19th Century when they really began gaining in popularity as pets.

Human Allergies To Dogs

Both children and adults can develop allergic reactions to dogs. The most common allergens that are caused by dogs include dander, saliva, urine, and hair.

These allergens can trigger various symptoms in people, such as skin allergies like itching, hives, eczema, and other symptoms such as sneezing, watering eyes, a runny nose, asthmatic attacks, and even anaphylaxis.

Pet allergies are common, ranging from mild to moderate to severe. People with allergies that fall under the severe category would be best to avoid dogs to ensure that they stay healthy.

Allergens In Dogs

Let’s take a closer look at some of the different types of allergens that can be found in dogs:

  • Hair – The fur covering the animal’s body can cause skin irritations and inflammation in those with allergies.
  • Saliva – This is the fluid secreted by salivary glands located on the roof of the mouth, which can also cause irritation or rashes to the skin.
  • Dander – This is the outer layer of skin flakes and dead skin cells that are shed off of the animal. Dander is a common cause of allergies and can lead to symptoms similar to dust allergies, such as wheezing, itching, and running eyes.
  • Urine – This is the liquid produced by the kidneys. Ammonia is present in dog urine, and inhaling this can cause allergy symptoms, particularly if you have other allergies.

How Can I Prevent Dog And Pet Allergies?

If you or your children suffer from severe dog allergies, you should try limiting your exposure to them. You can avoid contact with them and take allergy medication if necessary.

However, if you are dead set on having a dog as a pet, there are several things you can do to help prevent allergic reactions to dogs, including:

  • If your allergies are particularly severe, limit your exposure to the animals.
  • Don’t allow your kids to play with the animals if their allergies are severe.
  • Clean your house regularly to keep it free of mold and dust mites.
  • Use air purification systems to remove airborne particles from your air.
  • Wash your hands before feeding your dog.
  • After playing with your dog or grooming them, wash your hands so that you remove any dander that can cause skin irritation.

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

There are certain breeds of dogs that are known to be hypoallergenic. This means that they tend to produce fewer allergens than others and, therefore, may not cause as many allergic reactions.

Obviously, these breeds of dogs are perfect for those who might be allergy sufferers!

Are Dalmatians A Hypoallergenic Breed?

Black and white picture of dalmatian lying down

As mentioned above, the Dalmatian is among the more popular dog breeds for many reasons. Firstly, Dalmatians can be extremely friendly and easy-going dogs and very playful, energetic, and curious.

Another reason why the Dalmatian is so popular is that they are hypoallergenic.

The Dalmatian sheds its coat less than other breeds and produces fewer allergens, which is why they can fall under the category of a hypoallergenic dog breed.

That being said, the answer to the question “Are Dalmatians Hypoallergenic?” is technically both yes and no.

Yes, because they have a very low allergy rate thanks to their non-shedding coat and their production of fewer allergens, but also no, because they are still a dog breed, and there will always be those allergic to dogs in general.

How To Avoid Allergic Reactions To Dalmatians

The first step to avoiding allergic reactions to Dalmatians is to research and be careful if you have allergies and still would like a Dalmatian as a pet.

As mentioned, being a hypoallergenic dog breed doesn’t mean that you will be impervious to allergic reactions with a Dalmatian, especially if you are a severe allergy sufferer.

There are a few steps that you can take to reduce allergy triggers with Dalmatians, so let’s take a look at some.

  • You can have the blood and saliva of your dog tested for specific antibodies in order to see just how hypoallergenic they are. Talk to your vet if this is something that you would be interested in.
  • Another method is to avoid contact with your pet’s dander and the saliva. If you come into contact with either substance, wash your hands and take antihistamine medication to prevent an allergic reaction. It is important to remember that some antihistamines may cause side effects such as nausea and vomiting when used on young children. It is best to consult your doctor first before taking any medications.

Final Thoughts

Dalmatians are very fun-loving dogs that can make for great family pets. They are indeed hypoallergenic- thanks to the fact that they shed less and produce fewer allergens than other breeds- but this doesn’t mean that you aren’t going to experience any reaction if you suffer from pet allergies.

As long as you research and are careful if you have allergies, you should be able to keep one as a pet much easier than you would be able to keep other non-hypoallergenic breeds.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners.Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.