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Are Min Pins Easy to Train?

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Are min pins easy to train

Min pins are relatively easy to train. They are highly intelligent dogs and it doesn’t take them very long to learn and respond to certain commands. However, as with all breeds of dog, the amount of time it takes to train a miniature pinscher will ultimately depend on how much time and effort the owner puts into training.

Another thing to keep in mind when training a min pin is that, although they are small in size, they have big egos! This means that they can be pretty stubborn when you first start training them, so consistency is key.

The best way to guarantee success is to start training a min pin from a very young age, ideally when they are around 8 weeks old. Begin with some basic commands (such as “Sit”, “Come”, and “Down”) as they’ll find these easy to pick up quite quickly.

This will also teach them that you’re in charge and, as you move forward into more advanced training, they’ll be more likely to pay attention to you!

To make things easier, let’s take a look at how to teach a miniature pinscher one of the most basic commands.

How to Teach a Min Pin to Sit

  1. Start by holding a treat in your hands and make your min pin aware that you have it by holding it slightly above their nose
  2. When they have got their eyes locked on the treat, start moving it back towards their rear end. As they follow it with their eyes, they will automatically fall into the sitting position.
  3. As soon as they are in the sitting position, say “Sit” in a clear voice before giving them the treat.
  4. Repeat this process a few times before attempting the “Sit” command without guiding the treat towards their back end

Once they have mastered the “Sit” command and they are doing it every time, you can move onto other commands. Don’t bombard them with lots of training commands at once. And, more importantly, once they have learned one command make sure you continue to use it every day to keep their memory refreshed.

Are min pins hard to potty train?

As with most breeds of dog, potty training a min pin can be difficult at first. It’s not impossible, however, and since they are so intelligent it really won’t take long for them to start going to the toilet in the right place once they know where to go.

The best thing to do when potty training a min pin is to establish a routine from a young age. Take them outside first thing in the morning, after each meal, and every time they wake up from a nap.

These are the times that they will be most likely to need to go to the bathroom. A very young puppy will usually need to go at least once throughout the night, so it’s worth setting an alarm.

When you can’t be at home and your min pin has to spend some time alone, it’s best to put them in a crate. They will usually avoid soiling in a space that they occupy, and they’ll soon learn to hold what they need to do until they are taken outside.

Are min pins easy to train2

How do I get my miniature pinscher to stop barking?

Whether you’re home or not, a miniature pinscher that barks excessively can be a real nuisance to your neighbors. More importantly, it’s something that you need to stop happening if you want to have any control over your dog.

Luckily, there are a few ways you can stop a min pin from barking. But, the first thing you need to do is find out why they are barking. Sure, min pins have a reputation for being noisy, but there is usually a reason they are sounding off.

If you find that your min pin is barking when somebody knocks on your door, the best thing to do is train them to get in their bed on your command. This settles them into one area of the house and also removes them from the front door, allowing whoever is visiting to get into your home without being jumped on.

If you find that they are barking at passers-by or any wildlife that visits your garden, the best thing to do is socialize them. Take them out more often into busy environments. This will desensitize them to new things that they might usually consider a threat, and show them that there really isn’t anything to get worked up about.

Finally, a well-exercised dog is less likely to bark excessively. With this in mind, it’s important that you’re taking your min pin out for a walk for at least one hour a day. This will stop them from getting bored or anxious and, ultimately, stops excessive barking.

How do you train a min pin to walk on a leash?

Min pins are busy little dogs that can’t wait to get to the next place. However, this means that they can have a tendency to pull on their leash while you’re walking them. Luckily, they are also very intelligent dogs and it doesn’t take too long to train them how to walk on a leash properly.

The most effective way to stop a miniature pinscher from pulling on their leash is to simply stop walking. As soon as they begin pulling, come to a complete standstill. They will try to continue pulling on the leash, but they’ll soon learn that doing that literally gets them nowhere.

Once they’ve stopped pulling at they are stood by your side, offer them positive reinforcement in the form of a treat. Start walking again and, as soon as they start pulling, repeat the process.

This can take a little while to master and you’ll need to have a good amount of time set aside to allow for the stop-start-stop nature of this training. However, you’ll eventually be grateful for the effort you put in as you’ll have a well-trained min pin who knows how to walk on a leash without pulling.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.