A bearded dragon’s diet is based on what it eats and how much of each thing it consumes.
A bearded dragon will eat a wide variety of foods, but it does have preferences when it comes to certain types of food.

In this article, we are going to delve into whether a bearded dragon can eat a banana.
But first, let us take a look at what the dietary requirements of these amazing reptiles really are.
Bearded Dragon Dietary Requirements
Bearded dragons are omnivorous reptiles, and will eat just about anything. They have been known to eat frogs, crickets, worms, fish, snakes, mice, birds, and even bananas.
They can also be fed a diet of fruit. Bearded dragons like grapes, apples, peaches, and oranges.
If your bearded dragon is eating well on fruit, you don’t need to worry about feeding them any other food.
However, if they aren’t getting enough vitamins from fruit, it’s better to feed them some greens or vegetables.
If you’re wondering whether your bearded dragon needs to eat meat, the answer is yes. While they do love fruits and veggies, they also require protein in their diets.
This means that they should get some kind of meat every day. In addition to proteins, they also need fats and carbohydrates.
It’s important for your bearded dragon to maintain its body weight as often as possible.
As long as your bearded dragon has access to water and adequate shelter, he or she can go without food for up to several days at a time.
But if your lizard has lost too much weight, it may actually become ill.
In order to keep your bearded dragon healthy, it’s best to feed him or her once daily. Your bearded dragon will eat less frequently when it gets sick.
So if your pet has diarrhea, vomiting, or is acting lethargic, try giving it smaller meals more frequently during the week, so it doesn’t lose as much weight.
If your bearded dragon isn’t eating well, it may be suffering from stress.
Stressful situations such as being moved into an enclosure with unfamiliar animals, changes in temperature, or sudden noises can cause your bearded dragon to stop eating.
Now that we know a little more about bearded dragons and what their dietary requirements are, let us take a look at what exactly a banana brings to the table, nutritionally.
What Is The Nutritional Value Of A Banana?
The banana is one of the most commonly eaten fruits in the world today, and it’s not surprising why.
Bananas are very nutritious and contain many vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function properly.
While all types of bananas have nutritional value, some varieties may be better than others for certain people.
The following information will help you decide which type of banana is best for your pet.
- Energy – One banana will have about eighty-nine calories in it.
- Water – One banana will have about seventy-five grams of water.
- Fat – One banana will have less than half a gram of fat in it.
- Protein – One banana will have just over one gram of protein in it.
- Carbohydrates – One banana will have about twenty-two grams of carbohydrates in it.
- Sugars – One banana will have about twelve grams of sugar in it.
- Fiber – One banana will have about three grams of fiber in it.
- Sodium – One banana will have about one milligram in it.
- Calcium – One banana will have about five milligrams in it.
- Phosphorus – One banana will have about twenty-two milligrams in it.
- Vitamin C – One banana will have about nine milligrams in it.
- Magnesium – One banana will have about twenty-seven milligrams in it.
- Iron – One banana will have just under half a milligram in it.
- Potassium – One banana will have about three hundred and fifty-eight milligrams in it.
Is It Safe To Feed Your Bearded Dragon Banana?
Yes! All banana cultivars are safe to feed to your pet bearded dragon. Some varieties of bananas do have slightly different nutrient values, but they’re still safe to feed.
Just be sure to wash them well before feeding them to your bearded dragon.
Banana Varieties For Food
There are several types of bananas available from grocery stores and farmers’ markets. Here are some of the most common ones:
Plantains (also known as plantain bananas) are grown on stalks and come in yellow, green, or red varieties.
They are high in potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin A. Plantains can also be used to make flour.
Grosmorne bananas are similar to plantains, except they grow larger and have a more fibrous texture.
These bananas tend to have higher amounts of starch, so they may cause diarrhea if fed too much. They also need to be peeled first.
Cavendish bananas are the most popular variety of bananas in North America.
They are low in nutrients compared to other varieties of bananas, but they are easy to peel and store.
What Are The Benefits Of Feeding Your Bearded Dragon Banana?

It takes at least two weeks for a banana to ripen fully. If you buy a fresh ripe banana and cut it up yourself, the fruit will last longer in your refrigerator.
You should keep the skin on because it contains beneficial enzymes that aid digestion.
Peeling off the skin will also make it easier for your bearded dragon to digest the banana.
Bearded dragons love eating bananas. It provides them with essential vitamins and minerals that their body needs to stay healthy.
This includes nutrients like B6, Niacin, Calcium, Iron, vitamin K, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Selenium, Zinc, Riboflavin, Thiamine, Folate, Copper, Manganese, Iodine, Sodium, Chloride, Sulfur, and Vitamins E & D.
The skin of bananas is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols which help protect against cancerous cells.
The skins also contain potassium, which helps regulate muscle contraction and blood pressure. Bananas are high in fiber.
Fiber helps increase the digestive process and prevents constipation. This fruit is low in calories. Each piece has only about thirty calories.
Is It Dangerous To Feed Too Much Banana To A Bearded Dragon?
No. Eating too many bananas could potentially lead to gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea and stomach upset.
However, this isn’t usually an issue when feeding bananas to your pet bearded dragon unless he eats more than one banana per day.
So don’t worry too much about overfeeding your bearded dragon.
However, it is not recommended that you feed a bearded dragon banana alone.
This fruit does not contain all the vitamins and minerals a bearded dragon will need to thrive.
So, by all means, feed your beardie a bit of banana sometimes, but only as a snack as opposed to a full meal.
Can You Feed A Bearded Dragon Banana Daily?
You should not really feed your beardie banana every day, even though it tastes delicious!
This fruit is very nutritious and can provide your pet with some necessary vitamins and minerals.
But, it is best to stick with a diet consisting of fruits and vegetables rather than including bananas in your bearded dragon’s diet regularly.
How Do You Prepare Banana For A Bearded Dragon?
Banana peels are great for bearded dragons. When preparing a banana, take care not to completely remove the skin from the fruit.
Removing just enough skin allows the bearded dragon to easily chew through the banana without any problems. Peel the banana before soaking it in water or cooking it.
This way, the banana won’t turn brown and become difficult to digest. Also, do not soak the banana in water overnight.
Simply put it in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes, which will soften it enough so that your bearded dragon can consume it easily.
Other Fruits To Consider Feeding A Beardie
There are many other fruits that are safe to feed to your bearded dragon. Here are some other options:
Figs – These are another favorite treat of bearded dragons.
They are loaded with calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, folate, vitamin C, and vitamin A.
Just make sure that you cut off the stem because the figs have seeds inside.
Dates – Another amazing fruit for bearded dragons is dates.
Not only are they extremely sweet-tasting, but they’re also packed full of potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, vitamin C, thiamine, folic acid, niacin, and vitamin B12.
Apricots – Similar to dates, apricots are also high in potassium and magnesium. They are also packed with beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
Raspberries – Raspberries are one of the most popular treats for bearded dragons.
They are filled with calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, selenium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and vitamin C.

Strawberries – Strawberries are considered a good source of fiber, folate, vitamin K, and vitamin C. They are also rich in potassium, manganese, and iron.
Pears – Pears are a fantastic choice for bearded dragons.
They have loads of vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, vitamin A, manganese, potassium, and iron. Plus, pears are low in calories.
Apples – Apples are a great option for bearded dragons. They offer healthy antioxidants, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, and zinc.
Peaches – Peaches are an excellent addition to your bearded dragon’s diet. They are rich in vitamin A, magnesium, and potassium.
How Much Protein Should A Bearded Dragon Get In Their Diet?
Bearded dragons need about 3 grams of protein per pound of body weight each week.
If you weigh around three pounds, this means that your bearded dragon needs at least nine grams of protein per day.
The easiest way to give your bearded dragon this much protein is by feeding them raw meat.
However, if you don’t want to add meat to your bearded dragon’s diet, there are plenty of other sources available.
The most common protein source for bearded dragons is spiders, wax worms, crickets, silkworms, slugs, moths, earthworms, or even tofu.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are several of the most frequently asked questions about bearded dragons, whether they can eat bananas, and other dietary-related queries.
What Fruit Or Vegetable Is Not Good For Bearded Dragons?
The main things you should avoid feeding a bearded dragon are as follows:
– Spinach
– Broccoli
– Romaine
Some of these vegetables can be harmful beardies, while others simply do not offer enough nutritional value to be worth feeding your beloved dragon.
What Should A Bearded Dragon Eat Daily?
A well-balanced diet for bearded dragons consists of approximately 25% protein, 50% carbohydrates, and 25% fat.
This allows your bearded dragon to get all the nutrients it requires without overloading its digestive system.
There are many kinds of foods for bearded dragons, from fruits like apples, peaches, oranges, grapes, berries, and carrots to vegetables as such.
What Foods Might Kill A Bearded Dragon?
lthough there are no foods that will kill a bearded dragon, some of the following items can cause harm to your bearded dragon. These include:
– Avocado
– Onion
– Garlic
– Eggplant
– Some Species of Spiders
– Fireflies
– Ticks
These substances can lead to dehydration, kidney problems, heart disease, liver damage, and more serious health issues.
As a result, it is imperative to keep your bearded dragon on a balanced diet.
It is important to note that you should also avoid feeding your bearded dragon food that has high water content.
So, foods like celery and iceberg lettuce should be avoided.
How Much Banana Can You Give A Bearded Dragon?
Banana is a nutritious fruit enjoyed by humans for centuries. It contains lots of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and essential amino acids that help promote growth and development.
In fact, bananas provide so many benefits that they have been used as a weight loss aid.
Despite being a delicious treat for humans, it is best to limit how much you feed your bearded dragon.
What Is A Bearded Dragon’s Favorite Food?
Your bearded dragon may enjoy eating anything from apples to broccoli to bread.
What you choose to feed your bearded dragon depends upon what type of food you are trying to provide.
Some people prefer to feed their bearded dragon frozen yogurt; others might try feeding them ice cream.
Whatever you decide to feed your bearded dragon, make sure it meets its dietary requirements.
For example, if you were going to feed your bearded dragon an apple, ensure that it is organic, free of pesticides, and has minimal amounts of sodium nitrate (a preservative).
How Much Does A Bearded Dragon Eat?
Bearded dragons require around 1-2 pounds of food per day.
How Often Can I Feed Your Bearded Dragon?
You can feed your bearded dragon whenever you want.
However, it is recommended that you give them one small meal at least once every three days. This helps to maintain healthy skin and prevent obesity.
How Do I Know How Much Food My Bearded Dragon Needs?
You should know exactly how much food your bearded dragon needs because they are very picky eaters.
If you think that you are giving your bearded dragon too much food or not enough food, then contact your local pet store or animal shelter for advice.
They will be able to tell you whether your bearded dragon is getting adequate nutrition.
Do Bearded Dragons Need Calcium Every Day?
Calcium plays an important role in bone formation, tooth development, muscle contraction, and nerve function.
Many reptiles do not consume calcium; however, this does not mean that they cannot get enough calcium in their diets.
Since bearded dragons need calcium every day, you should consider supplementing their diets with calcium supplements.
Do Bearded Dragons Need Vitamin Powder?
Vitamin powder can be added to your bearded dragon’s diet to ensure that they receive proper vitamin intake.
It can be given either orally or through a vitamin pill dispenser.
Final Thoughts
Here we share helpful articles on everything you need to know about this amazing reptile species.
We hope that you learned everything you need to know about whether a bearded dragon can and should eat bananas.
Have a fantastic day, and good luck raising dragons!