Ask a Vet

Do Staffies Like Long Walks?

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Absolutely! Being a particularly muscular breed, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, also called Staffy, or Stafford, has quite a lot of energy and will happily walk beside you all day long if they can. As a result, the length of their walk will probably depend more on your energy levels and available time

This doesn’t mean you should head out for miles and miles of exploring on a regular basis, though. It’s important not to overwork them – but don’t worry, if your pooch is tired, they’ll find a way to let you know! 

That doesn’t help when you’re in the middle of nowhere, though – unless you want to carry them all the way back! It’s important to figure out what your dog’s limits are before committing to an especially lengthy adventure.

Do staffies like long walksAt a minimum, your staffy should be getting at least an hour of exercise a day, though this doesn’t necessarily mean a solid sixty minutes out walking. You can split it up into a couple of walks throughout the day if you prefer or it’s more convenient.

Your dog will probably enjoy going out multiple times a day, as staffies are also quite a social breed who love saying hi to passers-by and their furry friends. You might actually have to factor in additional time to account for them socializing as well.

Although the occasional walk or hike that lasts for a couple of hours will definitely be appreciated by your pooch, as would playtime down at the dog park whenever you have time, staffies are also at their happiest when snuggling up together.

If you have a secure yard, allowing them access to the garden whenever they fancy stretching their legs is also beneficial. Be careful, though, as they are incredibly intelligent and pretty good at figuring out how to escape!

Can I take my staffy running?

Yes – shorter ones, for sure. Staffies make great running companions! As it is recommended your staffy gets at least an hour of exercise a day, you could definitely involve them in your running routine to achieve some or all of that quota.

It’s also worth noting that because staffies are such an intelligent breed, they are especially responsive to training. Therefore, teaching them important commands for running in public, like Stay, Follow, Wait or Come, should be no trouble at all.

However, there are some other important considerations to think about, outside the general rule that staffies are brilliant running partners;

Their age: In the same way that you wouldn’t expect a toddler or your great-grandma to come and run a mile with you, it’s not fair to expect a baby staffy or one in their twilight years to have the same amount of speed and stamina as you! If you’re not sure, schedule a vet appointment and ask for professional advice – the well-being of your pooch is far more important than you having company during exercise!

Their obedience: If your dog is not pitch-perfect at responding to your commands (taking into consideration that we all have off days), then you shouldn’t take them running with you, at least not off-leash (which isn’t very conducive to running!) unless you’ll be doing so in a completely secure place. Recall, in particular, is incredibly important, especially if you’re out and about near roads and on public footpaths. When you can’t guarantee your dog will stop, stay where they are, or come back to you when called, then they will hinder, rather than help, your running experience – and it could put both of you in danger!

Their current state of health: would you run if you didn’t feel well, had sustained an unpleasant injury, or were suffering from an illness like arthritis? Then don’t try and take your dog running under the same conditions! You might think exercise and movement would help them, but you could actually exacerbate the problem. This is not the case for overweight dogs – they will benefit from having their limits pushed, though be sure to take regular breaks and have plenty of water on hand!

The temperature and time of day: if it’s too hot to take them out for a normal walk, or you wouldn’t go walking with them in the current conditions, then you shouldn’t head out running with your dog. If you weren’t aware – dogs are physically incapable of sweating to cool down, which is why they pant instead. As you can imagine, this isn’t an especially easy way to cool down, so dogs are especially prone to overheating. Aim to head out on your runs early in the morning or later in the evening, as the sun won’t be high in the sky, and you’ll have more opportunities to find shade. 

At the end of the day, you know your dog better than anybody, so it’s up to you to decide if they meet the criteria for a running buddy. Remember – their safety is the most important thing, and not at all worth risking!

Do staffies like rain?

Do staffies like rain

Not typically, no, but it depends! 

Like all dogs, some will meet the stereotypes of their breed, whereas others are wildcards that act completely differently. It’s definitely been said that staffies aren’t especially fond of rain, but there are always exceptions to the rule!

Generally speaking, they’re not super fond of swimming or baths either – this is usually because their heads are quite big and heavy, making staying balanced and above the surface of the water pretty difficult. 

This can cause them to dislike any body of water, but it’s not a hard and fast rule. Some humans despise the rain, others love to dance in it, and dogs can be just as fickle. It’s difficult to categorize their likes and dislikes by breed alone!

If there’s no choice but to walk in the rain and your dog dislikes it to the point where they try and refuse to go, it’s probably the sensation of getting wet they don’t like. You might be able to help them feel better (and less dramatic) with a waterproof coat. 

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.