When it comes down to the basic developments in early life, dogs really do not differ all that much from humans. Just like us, they have baby teeth and adult teeth.

German Shepherds are no different; however, if you have a German Shepherd pup, be prepared because these pups teethe on a hardcore scale. It is a bit like having your own child. Human children teethe hard too, and you have to deal with all the baby phases; German Shepherds do the same, except a human baby is unlikely to chew up your furniture.
Many people will have very clear memories of when they first ever experienced a puppy in their home. During the puppy months, you will likely find tiny teeth on the floor, which would have come out as your pup chews on everything they can see in order to relieve the sore teeth and gums that come with that age. The chewing process is a huge part of the puppy teething process. However, you can always make it easier for your pup to deal with.
Today, we will share with you all the information on why German Shepherds teethe, the age at which they lose their baby teeth, how to help them, and of course, what you can expect as an owner. Of course, we will also share tips that will help you prevent them from gnawing at all your furniture, especially that lovely new couch you got.
Let’s get down to business.
The stages of teething in German Shepherd pups.
First of all, we need to note that you do not need to be concerned or worry if you see tiny blood spots on the toys of your German Shepherd or if you start finding loose teeth in your carpets or rugs.
This is a totally normal process when your dog is teething. What we really want to tell you, though, is when you should expect this to start and when you should expect this to stop as well.
Now, it is time for us to give you a much-needed overview of the teething stages you can expect to experience from your German Shepherd puppy.
Stage 1- first teeth: 2-3 weeks.
German Shepherd pups are born with no teeth. Their baby teeth, or puppy milk teeth, will not actually start to push through until they are at least 14 days old.
When looking at the overall dental development of a baby, their baby teeth coming through will happen at the same point that they begin to open their eyes. This is open about the 2-week point in their life, and it is a massive time in terms of their development and their growth. This is the point at which they really start becoming German Shepherds.
Of course, many owners of German Shepherds will never actually get to see this stage in their overall development and dental development as German Shepherd pups should not actually leave their mother until they are at least 2 months old (8 weeks).
As your pup starts to get their baby teeth, their teeth will come through in a specific order. This order will often start with their incisors or their front teeth. Next to come through will be their Canine teeth. This is the point at which they will be able to move from milk to solid food types. Then finally, you will start to see their premolars come through; these will stop coming through after around 6 weeks.
By the time your pup is at 8 weeks of age, the German Shepherd pup should have grown all of its 28 milk teeth. At this point, it can leave its mother as well.
Stage 2- teething and adult teeth: 12+ weeks.
Once your German Shepherd pup has grown its puppy milk teeth, then it is on to the next stage of dental development. The next stage your pup will go through is the teething phase.
German Shepherds do not have their milk teeth as long as some other dogs, and certainly not as long as you would think. It won’t be very long until their adult teeth start to push through.
So when should you expect your German Shepherd to lose their baby teeth?
German Shepherd pups will most often lose their baby teeth between 3 months and 12 weeks old. This is generally the age at which a German Shepherd pup will start to teethe as well, as they will start losing their milk teeth which will fall out, much like how humans lose their baby teeth as their adult teeth start to come in.
In total, there are 28 baby teeth (milk teeth) in total, and a surprising 32 adult teeth will replace them. These grow in place of the baby teeth. The age at which a German Shepherd pup will start to teethe can vary, but the average age is often around 3 months.
Stage 3- teething ends: 7-8 months.
When can you expect your German Shepherd pup to stop teething?
German Shepherd pups will often stop teething at some time, around 7 to 8 months of age. However, it is not always this specific; it is possible for some German Shepherd pups to stop the teething phase before this or maybe even after this age. Every dog is their own, and they will start and stop teething in their own time frame.
However, this does mean you will likely have to put up with around 4-5 months of teething. This means 4-5 months of protecting your furniture from a possibly agitated teething puppy. Good luck.
Length of the teething period in German Shepherd pups: 20-24 weeks.
A majority of German Shepherd pups will likely stop teething when they hit around 6 months old. However, it is not uncommon for it to take even longer. There is no exact science to this, and as it can vary in humans, it can also vary from dog to dog as well.
German Shepherd’s adult teeth can take significantly longer to grow and push through in comparison to their baby milk teeth. Of all the teeth that grow, their molars at the back are the most stubborn of them all. So they may take much longer.
At the latest, your 8-month-old German Shepherd pup should have stopped teeth. It would be unusual for your dog to be teething after 8 months; that being said, it is not unheard of, and it does not mean something is wrong if their teeth are taking a little longer than usual to come through. Just remember, every dog is different. By the age of 8 months old, your German Shepherd should not have all their adult teeth.

How to tell your pup is teething.
So, now we know how and why German Shepherd pups have teeth, we understand the timeline of their teething and when they can switch to solid foods. Now we want to look at the signs of them teething.
Using dates to anticipate their teething can be useful; however, looking for signs can give you a better idea of what your dog is going through personally. It can also help you get an idea of how you can help them through this process. It is not fun for anyone involved.
We all know the most obvious and first sign of a teething pup is them chewing on everything and anything they can find, but what other signs are there? Let’s take a look.
- Small milk teeth – One of the most obvious signs that your pup is teething is if you start finding their cute and tiny baby teeth lying around. You might find them on the floor, embedded into a toy, or near their food bowl. However, you are sure to stumble across a couple.
- Blood spots – As a German Shepherd starts teething, they will chew on everything, including their toys. They do this in order to relieve the pain they are feeling. This can result in a few blood spots when their baby teeth fall out or if their gums are irritated. Do not worry; this is normal.
- Drool galore – A teething puppy will drool. You can expect to see more saliva than usual coming out of their mouths.
- Excessive chewing – When a German Shepherd pup is teething, they need to relieve the soreness and pain. The best way to do this is by chewing. Give them plenty of chew toys and keep anything of value hidden away and safe… they WILL chew it.
- Sore gums – You know how when you have teeth problems, your teeth hurt, and your gums feel sore and irritable? It is the same when German Shepherd pups teeth. Their gums will get inflamed and red; they will also look really sore as the adult teeth start to push up.
- Behavioral changes – Your pup will be in pain from time to time as they go through this, and as we all know, when anyone is in pain, they can be a bit snappy and irritable. Your pup will be going through the same thing. Try to distract them with teething toys, attention, and plenty of love.
- Mild fever – If you have kids, or if you remember when you were a kid, as adult teeth come through and baby teeth leave the premises, you can get a bit of a fever, feeling a little hotter than usual. German Shepherd pups are the same. This is normal.
- Misalignment in teeth – As your pup’s adult teeth come through, they may not always push a baby tooth. This may give your German Shepherd a bit of a cliché redneck aesthetic until their milk tooth falls out.
Teething toys for your excitable pup
We mentioned teething toys a few times earlier; this is because they are important for helping your pup deal with the discomfort as their new teeth come through. It keeps them busy and chewing while not eating up your valuables as well.
The more toys they have, the better, do whatever you can to avoid them munching away at your shoes, your furniture, and maybe even your doors, rugs, and more. You need to give them good chew toys, something that really gives them the satisfaction they’re after, and soft stuffed toys just won’t cut it.
In order to give your German Shepherd exactly what they need to alleviate the discomfort, you should invest in some teething toys that are hard and durable enough to provide them with relief. There are two toys that are frequently used by many pup owners for this exact reason.
First of all, there is the ‘KONG chew toy’ available on Amazon.com. It is great for all breeds to get their teeth around, but not only that, it also has a hole inside it to which you can put treats inside that will provide them with a challenge and a distraction. You can get this toy for both pups and for playful, energetic adults too.
One great addition to this is being able to put it in the freezer. Doing so will help to give them even more relief for their sore gums, as the cold will be like giving your kid ice cream when they are teething.
Another option is the ‘Nylabone dog chew,’ also available on Amazon.com. Though it is not as popular or versatile as the KONG toy, it is still a great option. It is a perfect alternative to rawhide chews, and they will love it and enjoy it even after they have finished teething. It is a durable toy and hard-wearing, so it is certain to keep them preoccupied and away from your shoes.
German Shepherd pups can do a lot of damage by chewing, so you should make sure that they get their chewing fix from their toys. Having plenty of variety and stimulation will help them to chew away without causing damage and also get rid of the discomfort they are in too.
Preventing chewing in your home
So, while we know that chew toys will help to prevent your pup from chewing your home to bits, there are other ways to prevent chewing in your home. You can do plenty of things that will chew-proof your home and also soothe your pup’s sore mouth as well.
Once your puppy’s milk teeth start falling out, they will want to get their teeth around just about anything that they can in order to get some relief. This may mean you start hiding your valuables, limit their access to certain rooms of the house, and keep one eye on them at all times.
It is a natural instinct among dogs to want to chew things to bits during their teething phase. So, as their owners and families, it is down to us to give them a helping hand in dealing with this. Here are a few things that you can do to make your home safe and help out your pained pup.
- First and foremost, chew-proof your home. You will feel much more at ease dealing with a teething pup if your home is chew-proofed. This may mean installing stair gates to restrict their access to certain parts of the house, where you can store your more valuable furniture and items. You may also have to move things out of their reach. Nothing is safe from your teething German Shepherd pup. It is time to get inventive.
- Secondly, try out frozen treats. We love ice cream when we have a toothache. A frozen treat for your teething pup will give them that same relief. A frozen carrot, or even just something as simple as an ice cube, can sore that aching pain we all know all too well.
- Thirdly, keep your pup exercised. German Shepherds that have the energy to burn will chew, and chew, and chew. They will chew much more than a pup that is more tired out from plenty of excitement and exercise. Give them a couple of walks a day and keep them burning energy as much as you can. Provide indoor playtime and everything else you can think of to burn off that excess energy.
- Fourth, keep your pup entertained. If your pup is bored, they will likely become more destructive; keep their toys out to keep them continually mentally challenged and distracted while they teethe.
- Fifth, keep them away from rawhide chews. Do not let a pup chew on rawhide; it is dangerous for dogs and can lead to choking. Stick to hard chews, such as the ones we have shown you. These plastic or rubber chews are hardier and will take all your pup can throw at it safely.
As German Shepherd pups start to teeth, they will suffer from sore gums and pain as their baby teeth are pushed through.
How much pain they are in will vary from dog to dog, but almost every dog will chew to eliminate the pain. You will find little teeth playing around, as well as blood spots. Give them love, attention, and plenty of chew toys to get them through this.
They need your love and support at this time, give them a helping hand as they grow and become the German Shepherds we know and love.