Bearded dragons are lizards native to Australia and New Guinea. They are known for their long tongues, large heads, and distinctive facial hair-like spines. The largest species can weigh over 30 pounds.
Bearded dragons are very social animals who live in groups called colonies. These colonies usually consist of several females and males. Once they reach adulthood, bearded dragons begin to mate.

After mating, the female lays eggs and then leaves the colony. The male will stay with the female until she is ready to lay more eggs.
This process takes about three months. During this time, the male will guard his territory against other males. He does not eat during this period.
When the female is done laying eggs, she returns to her colony. The male will continue guarding her until she dies or he finds another female to mate with.
The bearded dragon needs a lot of attention when it’s young. It requires constant supervision. If you don’t have the time to spend with your bearded dragon, you should consider hiring someone else to do so.
You need to make sure that your bearded dragon gets plenty of food and water. Make sure that its cage has lots of hiding places.
A good way to keep them safe is by giving them toys to play with. Your bearded dragon also needs a place where it can climb and stretch out.
If you want to know how big your bearded dragon will get, you need to take into consideration two things: age and size. As your bearded dragon grows older, it will grow bigger. But just how big can a bearded dragon get?
How Big Can Bearded Dragons Get?
When it comes to bearded dragons, many factors determine how big they can get. Some of these include genetics, diet, and environment. Let’s look at each one of those factors.
Your bearded dragon’s genetics will affect how big it can get. There are different types of beardies, including dwarf, giant, and intermediate. Dwarf beardies are smaller than normal bearded dragons.
Giant beardies are larger than normal ones. Intermediate beardies fall somewhere in between.
A bearded dragon’s diet affects how big it can get as well. Most bearded dragons are omnivores. That means that they eat both plants and meat.
The type of food that they eat will determine how much weight they gain. Vegetables like carrots, broccoli, and lettuce help reduce weight loss. On the other hand, meat helps increase weight.
We’ll discuss this in greater detail in just a sec, but the environment plays an important role in determining how big your bearded dragon can get. A more spacious environment will facilitate optimal bearded dragon growth.
These factors may seem overwhelming, but they aren’t difficult to manage. All you have to do is monitor your bearded dragon regularly and give it what it needs. By doing so, you will ensure that it stays healthy and happy.
What Else Can Affect A Bearded Dragon’s Length?
The above factors mostly determine the length of a bearded dragon. However, there are some other factors that can influence the length of your bearded dragon.
As mentioned earlier, the age of your bearded dragon will determine how long it can get. Older bearded dragons tend to get longer because their bones harden over time.
Another factor that influences the length of your bearded dragon is its size. If your beardie was quite a large specimen as a young dragon, then the chances are it will grow to be larger than the average bearded dragon.
The same is true in reverse. If your beard was a small youngster, it might not grow all that large when mature.
Male bearded dragons tend to be slightly larger than females. Males also tend to be stronger than females.
Some breeds of bearded dragons are known for being short-legged. Others are known for having long legs. Breeders often use this information to select which breed of bearded dragon will suit their customers best.
If your bearded dragon has any health issues, then it won’t be able to grow as fast as it should. For optimal growth, you need to keep your bearded dragon happy and healthy!
Length Of Time To Grow
Bearded dragons grow until they reach sexual maturity, which can be very different from dragon to dragon. However, generally speaking, you’re looking at something like an 18-month growing period. Those who reach sexual maturity quickly will grow faster than the late bloomers out there.
Bearded Dragon Length & Tank Size: Myth Or Fact?
Many people think that the size of your tank determines whether or not your bearded dragon will get longer. They believe that the bigger the tank, the more room your bearded dragon will have to grow.
Well, while space is important to their health and happiness, a modest habitat isn’t the leading cause of stunted growth. It’s much more common that there’s an issue with their diet or the finer points of their habitat, such as the lighting, humidity, or temperature.
How Long Does It Take For Bearded Dragons To Grow?
Most bearded dragons grow exceptionally quickly in their youth. You should expect to see significant growth over the course of the first 6 months of their life. After 3 months or so, you should expect your dragon to reach about 11 inches in length.
At the 6 month mark, you can expect your dragon to have grown a further 5 inches or so, and it will weigh about three times as much as it did at the 3-month mark.
From this point on, growth takes a much steadier pace. In fact, it slows so much that you may stop noticing it happening altogether. Although, you may notice that your bearded dragons start to get a little more muscular and solid-looking.
So, if you reach 6 months with your beardie, and it appears to have stopped growing, the chances are that it is still growing but at a slower rate. To check on your beardie’s growth, it’s best to weigh them rather than assess them visually.
Once your bearded dragon reaches maturity, it will begin shedding its skin. The new skin will appear darker than the old one.
This process usually starts at the head area. As the beard grows out, it will start covering the rest of the reptile’s body. Once your bearded dragon sheds its skin, it will look much better. You will notice that it looks healthier and cleaner.
The growth rate of a bearded dragon depends on many factors. Some of these include:
- Age
- Sex
- Genetics
- Feeding habits
- Temperature
- Light exposure
- The amount of sunlight
- Humidity
These factors all influence the speed at which your bearded dragon grows.
What Size Tank Should I Get For My Adult Bearded Dragon?
There is no set rule regarding how big a tank you should buy for your bearded dragon. Many different sizes are available.
Some owners choose to keep their bearded dragons in an 18-gallon tank. Others choose to keep theirs in a 30-gallon tank.
It also depends on what kind of environment your bearded dragon lives in. If it spends time outside, then you might be able to get away with keeping it in a slightly smaller tank when it comes back indoors.
On the other hand, if your bearded dragon stays inside all day, then you should aim to get a big tank. Just make sure that it has plenty of room to move around and get lots of exercise.
You should also keep on top of the water quality in your tank. Make sure that there aren’t any chemicals present in the water. This can cause health problems for your bearded dragon.
A tank we’d recommend is the REPTI Zoo Large 34 Gallon Terrarium.
The REPTI Zoo large tank is designed to provide maximum comfort for your bearded dragon. It comes equipped with a filter system, UVB lights, heat lamps, air pumps, and more.
What Size Tank Should I Get For My Baby Bearded Dragon?
The kind of tank you get for a baby bearded dragon will be different from the kind of tank you get for an adult bearded dragon.
As they’re so small, a 10-gallon tank is more than enough for a baby beardie, but remember, you’ll need to size up as it grows to keep it comfortable.
When choosing a tank for your baby bearded dragons, you need to remember that they are still very young. They don’t need a lot of space or anything fancy.
They just need something safe and comfortable where they can live peacefully. We’d recommend something cheap and simple, as you’ll have to upgrade the tank once they grow bigger. The Zilla Desert Reptile Terrarium is an excellent starter tank for baby bearded dragons.

Help! My Bearded Dragon Isn’t Growing Or Gaining Weight!
Bearded dragons usually stop growing after reaching sexual maturity.
This doesn’t mean that they’re unhealthy. In fact, it means that they’re doing great.
If your bearded dragon stops growing and it hasn’t reached maturity, then it needs to be checked by a vet. A veterinarian can tell you whether your bearded dragon is sick or not.
If your bearded dragon isn’t growing, then you need to take action immediately. You should contact your local reptile store to see if they can help you.
Some of the reasons why a bearded dragon might stop growing or gaining weight are :
- Poor diet
- Lack of exercise
- Stress
- Illness
- Parasites
- Too much sunlight
- Overfeeding
- Not enough calcium
- Other causes
If you think that your bearded dragon isn’t healthy, then you should try to find a solution. Some of the things that you could do include:
- Feeding them less food
- Adding supplements
- Giving them more exercise
- Using a terrarium heater
- Keeping them away from direct sunlight
- Checking for parasites
- Cleaning their tank regularly
- Make sure that they have enough calcium
- Avoiding overfeeding
- Getting rid of stress
- Finding a new home for your bearded dragon
If none of this helps, then you should seek veterinary help.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Do Bearded Dragons Get?
Bearded dragons are incredibly interesting lizards. And not as little as you might think. They can grow as long as 24 inches, and some even longer.
Where Do Bearded Dragons Come From?
Bearded dragons are reptiles native to Australia. They were first discovered by Europeans in 1826. Since then, they have been bred extensively. Today, bearded dragons are found almost everywhere in the world.
They are popular pets due to their friendly nature and docile temperament. Although they are not venomous, they can bite when threatened.
Do I Need A Large Tank For A Bearded Dragon?
Bearded dragons need a lot of space to move around. They require large terrariums with lots of hiding places. If you don’t provide enough room, they might feel trapped and stressed out.
How Long Does It Take For Bearded Dragon Eggs To Hatch?
Bearded dragon eggs hatch after approximately 60 days.
After hatching, the babies will spend between one and two years in the juvenile stage. During this time, they will grow up quickly.
Once they reach adulthood, bearded dragons will start reproducing. Females lay three to five clutches of eggs per year. Each clutch contains anywhere from four to eight eggs.
The average lifespan of a bearded dragon is 10 years. However, many people keep their bearded dragons for decades.
What Do Bearded Dragons Eat?
Bearded dragons are omnivores. They eat insects, worms, fruits, vegetables, and other animals. They also love to snack on plants.
Final Thoughts
Bearded dragons make excellent pets. This is because they are very easy to care for. All you really need to do is feed them twice a day, give them plenty of water, and let them roam free.
You should never buy a pet without reading all the information available online. The internet has a wealth of information about these amazing creatures. It’s always best to learn everything you can about your pet before buying it.
There are so many different types of bearded dragons. There are dwarf bearded dragons, giant bearded dragons, red-bearded dragons, blue bearded dragons, and green bearded dragons. These are just a few of the many varieties.
When looking at bearded dragons, remember that each species is unique. So, choose wisely!