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How Often Should You Bathe A Boxer?

By Kerry
Updated on

Boxer dogs are popular for numerous reasons and one of these reasons is that they are incredibly low maintenance.

Due to their short coats, it is easy to groom and bathe your boxer infrequently. These animals should only be bathed every 3-6 weeks depending on your individual circumstances.

For instance, if your dog has rolled in mud all day then you will definitely need to bathe them. However, you should avoid using shampoo with regularity when bathing your pooch more frequently as this can cause unwanted skin irritations.  

Boxer on a grass area

What Should I Use To Bathe My Boxer?

It is ideal to use canine shampoos when bathing your boxer dog. The idea that you can safely use human shampoo to bathe dogs is a fallacy. There is a reason why dog shampoos have been specifically invented to keep canines safe.

Human shampoos have an entirely different pH level to dog shampoos and are suited for the needs of human skin.

Alternatively, canine shampoos ensure that your dog’s coat is provided with essential nutrients in order to maintain healthy skin and a great coat. 

You can also condition your dog’s skin using a specified dog conditioner thereafter if needed. You can help your dog to feel more relaxed during the process by using a soft brush to massage their coat whilst they are bathing.

Attempting to make bathing time as fun as possible will ensure that the process of bathing your dog is far easier. Boxer dogs are great at sneezing human emotions and thus, if you are stressed during the process, they will associate the process with stress.

You should also use only lukewarm water to avoid causing any irritations during the drying process.

Why Is My Boxer Itchy?

Bathing your boxer dog too frequently may have caused them to become itchy. This is because your boxer dog does not typically require regular bathing due to their short-haired coats.

If you are bathing your boxer dog too often, you will be stripping their skin of the essential oils that they naturally produce to protect themselves from skin problems.

These oils maintain a natural moisture on the skin’s surface and dried skin can actually lead to micro fissures amongst other issues. 

Ironically, overly bathing your dog can also lead to foul odors occurring as their skin produces an excess of oil in order to make up for the loss that has occurred. These micro fissures can also lead to infection as your dog’s skin will be more vulnerable to environmental irritations.

Using a damp cloth across your dog’s body is the best way to remove dirt as opposed to bathing them too frequently. This method will ensure that your dog remains clean without stripping the essential oils from their skin. 

How To Effectively Bathe Your Boxer

There are a number of ways to ensure that you are properly bathing your boxer. You should ensure that you are using a bath mat underneath you to prevent yourself or your boxer from slipping. Otherwise your dog may start to associate the bathing process with fear and uncertainty.

You should also check that the water temperature is lukewarm prior to bathing so that they are not overwhelmed by hot water that can irritate the skin during the bathing and drying process.

Talking with your boxer is the best way to ensure that they remain calm during the cleaning process and remain reassured throughout. You can also use encouraging tones to assure them that the bathing process is good.

Be wary of their face and avoid running water directly into their face. You should use a clean wet cloth and wipe the dirt from their face gently without overwhelming them and making them fearful in the process.

Close up boxer

Make sure that you are rinsing your dog’s coat thoroughly in order to remove any excess shampoo that can cause unwanted irritations.

On this note, you should also avoid using shampoo and conditioning products that contain perfume or chemicals as this will ensure that your dog can continue to lick his fur without becoming unwell whilst avoiding skin complaints.

After the bathing process is over, you should ensure that you are keeping your boxer warm until they are completely dry. If your dog seems cold after bathing, you should stay with him and dry him thoroughly.

Don’t forget to dry between their toes as this will ensure that any remaining crevices aren’t left damp and uncomfortable for your dog. Drying their paws thoroughly is highly recommended to avoid them slipping on wooden surfaces. 

How Often Should I Brush My Boxer?

Boxers don’t require frequent brushing. However, you should try to brush your boxer once a week in order to remove any loose dirt or hair on your dog’s skin. You should be cautious during the process as you do not want to harm your pet.

Using a soft brush is the best approach and will help to promote lymph drainage. The vast majority of boxer dogs will relish the experience.


To conclude, a boxer is an incredibly low-maintenance dog. If you are looking to nurture a dog that requires hardly any grooming, then boxers are the right dog for you.

You should always ensure that you are researching the breed prior to owning one as this is vital to ensuring that your dog is properly taken care of. Washing your boxer dog every 3-6 weeks is recommended in order to avoid removing any essential oils from their skin. 

If you need to bathe your dog more frequently due to your surrounding environment, then you should consider wiping them with a clean, wet cloth or brushing them thoroughly once the dirt has dried.

Above all, you should only be using dog-friendly natural shampoos when washing your boxer dog as this will ensure that their skin does not dry out and remains protected from infection.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners.Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.