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How Often Should You Bathe A Cane Corso?

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The Cane Corso is a majestic breed of dog.

A strong will and a dominating personality perfectly describe the temperament of the Cane Corso. They make excellent protectors for the family home, but they also require strong leadership.

While the Cane Corso is a noble breed, they are not suitable for beginner dog trainers. Only advanced dog trainers are recommended to handle a Cane Corso, as they can be difficult to work with.

Cane corso

In this article, we discuss the Cane Corso and explain the bathing requirements for this wonderful dog.

The Personality Of a Cane Corso 

This breed of dog is not one that should be taken lightly. The Cane Corso will test the pack leader many times, to ensure that the pack leader is indeed confident and in charge.

Boundaries need to be set in order for this dog to settle into domesticated life. It is critical that the Cane Corso has a confident pack leader, otherwise the Cane Corso can develop behavioral problems. 

Due to the size and temperament of the dog, it can be dangerous to leave a Cane Corso untrained. Ethical duty states that much work will have to go into training the Cane Corso, to ensure that he/she is confident in your ability to run a pack.

This is not only important for the safety of the dog owner but the emotional and physical safety of the Cane Corso. 

A well-trained Cane Corso can be a wonderful family dog. They are incredibly loyal and are known as the protectors, or guardians, of families.

Generally speaking, the Cane Corso is very affectionate to the family, but does not particularly care for anyone outside the home. Training needs to occur from a young age — ideally at eight weeks, to ensure that the dog does not develop deep social problems. 

Keep in mind that while this remarkable dog is affectionate, it can be quite headstrong. This is why training needs to occur from a young age. Bad behaviors should not be encouraged, or ignored, as this can become an issue when the puppy is an adult.

The Cane Corso is a very large dog, which makes dealing with difficulties as an adult more complex on a physical and psychological level. 

Note that the Cane Corso requires a lot of daily exercises. This breed of dog is very athletic, but also intelligent. There should be a balance of physical and mental exercise.  

Grooming a Cane Corso 

Three cane corso

Below, we will discuss various factors to consider when grooming a Cane Corso, including how often this breed of dog should be bathed. 

What Type Of Coat Do Cane Corsos Have? 

Cane Corso has short coats, and the hair is typically thick. The hair should feel somewhere between smooth and coarse, as the coat of a Cane Corso is known to be stiff. Like most breeds, the coat will get thicker during the colder seasons.

You can expect a Cane Corso to shred some of its hair during spring and fall, where its winter and summer coats will form.  

How Often Should You Bathe a Cane Corso? 

It is best to bathe the Cane Corso once every three months, or when the dog becomes dirty.

You should not overwash the Cane Corso.

If you wash the coat too much, the dog can develop a rash, or the skin can become very irritated. This means you also need to be very conscious of the type of shampoo you use.

Avoid any shampoos that have medications (unless prescribed), or harsh chemicals in them. The Cane Corso suffers from dry skin, so be sure to avoid any products that could cause irritation. 

It’s important to keep the Cane Corso clean, but do not bathe this breed monthly.  

How Should I Bathe a Cane Corso? 

You can bathe a Cane Corso indoors, or outdoors. Just ensure that it is warm, and the sun is out so that the dog can dry properly. While Cane Corso’s are very brave dogs, they are incredibly stubborn. If your dog does not like water, then bathing your dog might be a challenge. 

Before bathing your Cane Corso, you need to give the dog a brush. This will remove any dead hair that the dog has. Then, try to get your Cane Corso in the bath (or, whatever location you are using). Use a rubber mat to ensure stability. 

The bath should have around three inches of lukewarm water. Using an unbreakable cup, or the shower hose, etc., you will have to rinse your dog with water. Once rinsed, you then will apply the shampoo all across the dog’s coat.

Avoid getting any shampoo in the dog’s eyes, mouth, and nose. Massage the shampoo into the Cane Corso’s coat, and then gently rinse the shampoo. 

You will need to towel dry this dog and allow them to dry naturally in the warm sunshine. Make sure that the dog is not soaking. While they cannot be perfectly dry, make sure that the dog is as dry as it can possibly be.  

What If My Cane Corso Hates Baths? 

If your Cane Corso truly hates baths, and you do not feel experienced enough to handle the issue, then you need to consult an expert trainer. 

Otherwise, you will just need to reassure and comfort the dog, while still showing you are the pack leader, by leading with confidence.

You may be able to get a brand of shampoo from your vet, called a soothing shampoo. You should make sure that the chemicals will not irritate your dog. A soothing shampoo has properties that can calm nerves. It is debatable whether the shampoos are truly effective, but some dog owners find them very useful.  


Cane Corso’s are dignified, strong-willed, and noble dogs. They are great for expert and highly confident trainers, but should be avoided by beginners and moderate trainers.

Bathing a Cane Corso is pretty simple, but you do need to account for the amount of space that the dog will take up, due to its height and weight. Never overwash a Cane Corso, as they may develop rashes and irritated skin. 

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners.Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.