Ask a Vet

How Often Should You Bathe A Samoyed?

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Samoyeds are known for their beautiful, fluffy white coats, making them a particularly pretty breed of dog.

These kinds of coats always come at a price though, as they are often much more difficult to maintain, requiring a fair amount of baths and grooming in order to keep the dog healthy and happy.

With this in mind, we are going to be taking a look at how regularly a Samoyed needs to be bathed and groomed and how you should go about caring for their gorgeous coat. Let’s get started.

Samoyed sitting

How Often Should A Samoyed Be Bathed?

When it comes to bathing your Samoyed, it is important to note that they shouldn’t be washed every day. In fact, washing him every week can be more than enough, although sometimes this can fluctuate depending on certain circumstances such as weather conditions, etc.

However, even with these circumstances in mind, you still shouldn’t wash your dog daily as doing so can lead to problems like skin irritation and infections, and can also leave them feeling uncomfortable.

As we said, the first thing that most people notice when looking at a Samoyed is its incredibly soft and luxurious, fluffy coat. This coat can be quite thick and dense, taking longer than other breeds to dry out after being washed.

Their coats also tend to require more frequent baths than other dogs because of the way that it grows and that aforementioned thickness (but as we said, not every day!).

When you give your Samoyed bath, make sure to use a shampoo that is designed specifically for dogs with long hair. Use a gentle soap so that you avoid stripping off any natural oils from their skin whilst maintaining a healthy coat.

Once your dog has had their bath, make sure that you air dry them naturally before brushing them down gently with a brush that is specially designed for dogs with long fur.

How To Bathe A Samoyed

Let’s get into the bathing process of a Samoyed:

  • Begin by pouring warm to lukewarm water into a bowl (make sure that you maintain this water temperature, as you don’t want to risk scolding your dog) and adding a few drops of your chosen shampoo.
  • Gently scrub your Samoyed’s head with the shampoo, being careful to avoid their eyes.
  • Rub the shampoo into their body, paying special attention to areas where their coat is the thickest and harder to reach.
  • Once the shampoo has been applied, rinse your dog thoroughly, making sure to scrub around his ears and eyes.
  • Use a towel and start to pat your dog dry and then wrap them in a blanket or sheet, allowing them to air dry naturally.
  • Brush your dog down gently once they are completely dry, paying particular attention to their tail and their feet.
  • Lastly, apply a small amount of conditioner to their coat and let it soak in before rubbing it in with a towel.

How Often Should You Groom Your Samoyed?

Groomers recommend brushing your Samoyed once every four months and using a special brush designed for dogs with long fur. Brushing your dog’s coat is important for maintaining its health and keeping it looking clean and fresh.

As mentioned above, a Samoyed’s coat is very thick and heavy, so it needs regular grooming. Regularly brushing your dog’s hair helps to prevent tangles and kinks from forming, and encourages the growth of the coat.

Brush your dog’s entire body, starting at the top of its head and working down. Make sure you use the same technique every time and brush both sides of the head equally.

Never pull on your dog’s hair too hard, as this can result in injury and pain. Don’t use a metal comb on a dog’s coat, either, as this can cause pain to your dog. There are various other materials that you can use for your dog’s brush, such as plastic, nylon, or wood.

How To Groom Your Samoyed

Samoyed on wooden terrace

When it comes to caring for your Samoyed, you need to remember two main things. First of all, don’t use a blow-dryer. The heat can cause damage to their sensitive skin. Secondly, don’t brush too hard, as we said, as this could strip away some of the natural oils from their coat.

Use a comb to remove the dead hair from your dog’s coat, and then use a soft-bristled brush to lightly brush the rest of his fur. As we said, make sure to only use a dog brush that is specifically designed to groom dogs with long hair.

Brush your dog’s entire body, starting at the base of its spine and moving up to its shoulders, then down to its front legs, and finally to its hindquarters.

After brushing, clean your dog’s stomach with a moist towel, and then repeat the brushing process on the other side. If you notice any loose hair sticking out, gently pull them out with your fingers, but don’t pull too hard.

After brushing your dog’s entire body, remove any remaining tangles and kinks using a comb. This will make sure that your Samoyed has a smooth, shiny coat throughout the year.

After grooming, spray your dog with a little bit of conditioning spray. You can then rub it in with a towel to distribute the conditioner evenly over your dog’s fur.

If your Samoyed is in need of a haircut, make sure to do so at least twice a year. If you are not comfortable cutting their coat yourself, a professional groomer is always an option.

However, if you notice certain signs of bald patches in your pet’s coat, such as thinning hair or missing patches of fur, schedule an appointment with your vet immediately. Bald spots can be caused by a vitamin deficiency, which could lead to serious medical problems for your canine companion.

What Are The Materials Needed For Bathing And Grooming A Samoyed?

Next, we will look at some essentials that you will need when grooming a Samoyed, as well as some extras that can be helpful too.

  • Dog Wash: This is an obvious one! The wash you choose is for bathing your dog and keeping their coat clean. Look for a gentle formula that contains no harsh chemicals to protect their skin. Make sure that your chosen brand is safe for all breeds, including puppies and senior dogs.
  • Shampoo: For a Samoyed, search for a shampoo that is specifically formulated for dogs with long, thick coats.
  • Conditioner: Conditioners for dogs can come in two forms: liquid and powder. Liquid conditioners work best when applied directly to your dog’s skin when their coat is wet, as with human conditioners, whereas powder conditioners work better when used dry by rubbing the product directly onto your dog’s dry coat.
  • Brush: Brushes come in many different shapes and sizes, but as we said you are going to want one that is specially designed for dogs with longer, denser coats. The bristles should be soft enough to avoid pulling on your dog’s skin or causing irritation, yet strong enough to effectively get through your dog’s thick coat.
  • Towel: Unless you want to end up getting sprayed by a wet dog, you’ll need a towel to dry them off! Make sure that you have one that is large enough to cover their body and dry them effectively.
  • Rubber Gloves: Gloves will protect your hands from getting scratched while grooming your dog as well as protect your hands from the products, which is especially useful if you have sensitive skin.


  • Spray Bottle: Sprays are a handy extra that can be used to apply certain products to your dog’s coat with ease, such as moisturizers or essential oils.
  • Nail Clippers: You can get clippers designed especially for trimming your dog’s nails, which you can add to your dog’s grooming routine to ensure their claws are neat and not too long.
  • Scissors: Scissors can be used to trim your dog’s coat, but only do so if you are confident enough to do so. The last thing you want to do is accidentally cut your dog or yourself.

Final Thoughts

While there is no set rule about how often you should bathe a Samoyed, most experts recommend that you do so once a week. In addition to keeping your dog healthy, regular baths can also be useful when it comes to preventing shedding and matting.

Samoyed will need a specific kind of care due to that lovely coat, so as long as you do your research and check with your vet whenever you are unsure, you should be able to keep them happy, healthy, and well-groomed for many years to come.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.