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Should Bearded Dragons Eat Zucchini? Everything You Need to Know!

By Kerry
Updated on

Zucchini is one of the most popular vegetables for feeding bearded dragons. It’s easy to grow and provides an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. However, there are some risks involved with feeding zucchini.

Should bearded dragons eat zucchini? Everything you need to know!

I’ll tell you what they are and what you should know before introducing this vegetable into your bearded dragon’s diet.

What Is Zucchini?

The zucchini plant produces a fruit that looks like a long green squash. This fruit has soft flesh in the center and many seeds on each end.

When ripe, the zucchini will be bright green or yellowish-green in color. There are two types of zucchinis: summer and winter.

Summer zucchini is best eaten when it’s young and tender. Winter zucchini tastes better after it’s been allowed to mature.

Zucchini Nutrition

Zucchini is mainly made up of water. They are generally low in everything, which makes them both good and bad for some.

When it comes to bearded dragons, the food they eat should be packed with nutrients and useful stuff. Their stomachs are pretty small, which means that they cannot eat a lot.

We’ll take a look at the nutrition facts of 100g of zucchini below:

Water – 94.79 g
Energy – 17 Kcal
Protein – 1.21 g
Total Fat – 0.32 g
Carbohydrates (by difference) – 3.11 g
Fiber – 1 g
Sugar – 2.5 g
Calcium – 16 mg
Phosphorus – 38 mg
Sodium – 8 mg
Iron – 9 mg
Vitamin D – 0 µg
Vitamin B6 – 0.163 mg
Vitamin A – 10 µg
Vitamin E – 0.13 mg
Vitamin K – 4.3 µg

If you look at the list above and break everything down, zucchini has very little nutritional benefit. There are many foods out there that offer more in the way of nutrition.

Can And Should Bearded Dragons Eat Zucchini?

The answer is yes. Bearded dragons can safely eat zucchini. That doesn’t mean that they necessarily should, however.

As mentioned above, zucchini offers very little nutrition, and when you have a stomach as small as a bearded dragon’s you cannot afford to eat food that offers you nothing.

So, while zucchini is perfectly safe for beardies to enjoy, they definitely should not be eating a lot of it.

Instead of giving your bearded dragon a lot of zucchini, you should drastically limit how much they have.

Focus on feeding them foods that will benefit them a lot. Foods that are high in calcium, vitamins, and protein will be the best for your dragon.

Zucchini is a bad choice for young bearded dragons, especially. This is because young dragons need to make the most of every meal they have,

because they need the nutrients to grow. By giving your young beardies zucchini, they won’t be getting the nutrients they need to get through their rapid growth.

Bearded Dragons Need Calcium

Calcium is one of the most important elements of a bearded dragon’s diet. It helps build strong bones and teeth, so it’s vital that your bearded dragon gets plenty of calcium.

If you’re looking to feed your bearded dragon a large amount of vegetables, zucchini is not the first choice.

But if you want to give him a healthy diet, then focus on his calcium needs by choosing foods like insects and greens.

A beardie’s diet needs to be high in calcium and other nutrients in order to stay healthy. If a dragon does not get enough calcium, they will become sick and weak.

As well as being essential for building strong bones and teeth, calcium is also necessary for normal muscle function.

Without enough calcium, muscles do not contract properly, and your dragon will not move around easily. This can lead to problems such as arthritis and bone deformities.

Feeding beardies a lot of zucchini would lead to these issues. If you take another look at the nutrition values of zucchini, you will see that there are basically no benefits of beardies consuming this food.

Zucchini Has Low Sugar Levels

The good thing about zucchini is that it is low in sugar levels. So, although it isn’t considered one of the nutritious greens, partially due to tiny amounts of calcium, it won’t make beardies fat.

The majority of foods that are materially poor (like most fruit) are typically high in sugar. Bearded dragons should not be having high amounts of sugar in their diets.

If beardies have too much sugar, they can become obese very easily. A bearded dragon that eats too much sugar in a sitting can even suffer from an upset stomach and diarrhea.

Should bearded dragons eat zucchini? Everything you need to know!

Even worse, dragons that are fed too much sugar on a regular basis will quickly experience tartar and plaque build-up.

Although this is not a serious problem for mammals, for reptiles it is very bad. This is because reptiles’ teeth are fixed to their jaws.

This means that any inflammation that arises can result in very painful bone issues. The majority of vets would recommend that all bearded dragon owners schedule annual cleaning and scaling to ensure their dragons remain healthy.

So, although zucchini has very little to offer, the fact that it’s low in sugar is something at least. Even with that being said, however, it should never replace other nutritional foods that have higher sugar levels.

Some sugar is fine, but be careful not to overdo it. You should never worry about the sugar content of the usual foods you would feed your beardie. It is essential that they get all the nutrients that they need.

Feeding Your Bearded Dragons Zucchini

Now that you know that you technically can feed your beardie zucchini, you might be wondering how. Knowing how often and how much is something that every beardie owner should know.

If you’re interested in testing out giving your bearded dragon some zucchini, but aren’t sure where to start, check out the sections below.

Like everything, there are some rules to follow. These rules are in place for the good of your beardie, and you want what’s best for them.

How Often Should You Feed Your Dragons Zucchini?

Should you feed your beardie zucchini every day? Absolutely not. As we already mentioned, there is basically no nutritional benefit to feeding your dragon this fruit every day.

By giving your pet zucchini to eat, there will be no space left in their little stomachs for the food that is actually beneficial to them.

They will fill up on zucchini instead, and then not get what they need from the healthy food they are given.

This is why it is important that you give your beardie a variety of different foods. If you do decide to experiment with zucchini, try only giving it to them once per month.

Even then, you should only be adding a small amount of zucchini to the rest of their food. Too much zucchini in a meal will not do them any favors, and can be troublesome in the future.

In the end, you should always make sure that the majority of your beardie’s food is high in nutrients. It’s okay to add small amounts of zucchini for them to try out (if they even like it), but don’t go overboard.

How You Should Prepare Zucchini For Your Bearded Dragons

Now, you’re probably wondering how you should prepare zucchini for your beardie. To start with, you should wash your zucchini, as you do every other fruit or vegetable.

Washing your fruits and veggies is incredibly important for the health of your beardie, as you are preventing them from getting sick.

If your dragon got sick, you would have a hefty vet bill and a terrible experience. It’s better to be safe and avoid this by always washing veggies when you buy them.

When getting fruits and vegetables, you should also ensure they are organic. All the herbicides and pesticides used in farming can have a detrimental effect on your pet.

Even trace amounts of herbicides and pesticides have the potential to make your beardie sick. If this happens, there’s a good chance that the sickness will have a terrible long term effect.

If you’ve managed to get organic zucchini, and you’ve cleaned it thoroughly, you can start preparing it. You will need to slice the fruit thinly, then cut the slices into 1/8ths.

Cutting the pieces small will make it easy for your beardie to eat, along with all the rest of their food.

When it’s time to feed your dragon, always make sure to put it in a bowl that is easy to eat out of! You’d be surprised by how many accidentally put their food in a bowl that is inaccessible.

Finals a low, shallow bowl so that your dragon can enjoy their whole meal.

The Best Greens You Can Feed Your Beardies

If you’re looking for some great greens to feed your dragon that are nutritionally beneficial, we’ve got you! There are some fantastic options out there if you know where to look.

These foods are packed with everything your dragon wants and needs. The next time you’re at your local

grocery store, why not try getting some plants on the list below? Just make sure they’re organic, and always clean them first!

Swiss Chard nutrition values per 100 grams:

Water – 92.66 g
Energy – 19 Kcal
Protein – 1.8 g
Total Fat – 0.2 g
Carbohydrates – 3.74 g
Fiber – 1.6 g
Sugars – 1.1 g
Calcium – 51 mg
Phosphorous – 46 mg

Bok Choy nutrition values per 100 grams:

Water – 95.32
Energy – 15 Kcal
Protein – 1.5 g
Total Fat – 0.2 g
Carbohydrates – 2.18 g
Fiber – 1 g
Sugars – 1.18 g
Calcium – 105 mg
Phosphorous – 37 mg

Kale nutrition values per 100 grams:

Water – 89.63 g
Energy – 35 Kcal
Protein – 2.92 g
Total Fat – 1.49 g
Carbohydrates – 4.42 g
Fiber – 4.1 g
Sugars – 0.99 g
Calcium – 254 mg
Phosphorous – 55 mg

Mustard Greens nutrition values per 100 grams:

Water – 90.7 g
Energy – 27 Kcal
Protein – 2.86 g
Total Fat – 0.42 g
Carbohydrates – 4.67 g
Fiber – 3.2 g
Sugars – 1.32 g
Calcium – 115 mg
Phosphorous – 58 mg

Dandelion Greens nutrition values per 100 grams:

Water – 85.6 g
Energy – 45 Kcal
Protein – 2.7 g
Total Fat – 0.7 g
Carbohydrates – 9.2 g
Fiber – 3.5 g
Sugars – 0.71 g
Calcium – 187 mg
Phosphorous – 66 mg

Should bearded dragons eat zucchini? Everything you need to know!

Final Thoughts

It can be concluded that zucchini is not a great option for your bearded dragons. This fruit is simply not beneficial to your beardie’s diet.

These animals require plenty of calcium, protein, and other essential vitamins and minerals from their food. If they were to be fed zucchini, they would not get everything they need to be healthy.

Instead of feeding your bearded dragon zucchini, it would be better to frequently give them kale, bok choy, dandelion greens, mustard greens, or Swiss chard.

All these vegetables are rich in nutrients, and will ensure that your beardie gets everything it needs.


Is Zucchini Good For Bearded Dragons?

No, zucchini has little to no nutritional benefits for bearded dragons. They do contain vitamin C, but this nutrient is found in plenty of other fruits and veggies as well. It also contains plenty of carbs, which are bad for bearded dragons.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Zucchini?

Yes, bearded dragons can safely eat zucchini, but it is not beneficial to them.

How Often Should You Give Beardies Zucchini?

You should not feed your beardies zucchini more than once every month. This is because your dragon needs to

eat foods that are actually beneficial to them. If they eat a lot of zucchini, there is no space left for the necessary foods they need.

How Should You Prepare Zucchini For Bearded Dragons?

You should get organic zucchini and wash it. Slice it very finely, then add it to the rest of the beardie’s salad for them to enjoy.

Is Zucchini Healthy?

Zucchini is healthy for humans, but has no benefits for bearded dragons.

Is Zucchini A Nutritional Food?

No, zucchini is very low in nutrients. This fruit is primarily made up of water, and has very little calcium, carbohydrates, or sugars in it.

Can You Feed Bearded Dragons Zucchini Every Day?

No, you should not feed beardies zucchini every day. This fruit is very low in nutrients and is not beneficial to them at all. A diet high in zucchini is not a balanced diet for dragons.

Do Bearded Dragons Need A Lot Of Calcium In Their Diet?

Yes, bearded dragons require a lot of calcium in their diet. Calcium is an incredibly important part of a beardie’s diet.

Beardie foods should all contain high amounts of calcium, and they should get this food on a regular basis.

Why Do Bearded Dragons Need A Lot Of Calcium In Their Diet?

Bearded dragons need a lot of calcium in their diets so that their bones and teeth grow strong and stay healthy. Their bones and teeth have a hard time growing if there isn’t enough calcium available in their diets.

What Kinds Of Foods Do Bearded Dragons Need?

Bearded dragons require lots of calcium and protein in their diets. They need to eat a wide variety of foods when eating a nutritious diet. The best foods for bearded dragons include lots of greens as a staple food item.

What Is Metabolic Bone Disease?

Metabolic bone disease is a condition where the body cannot absorb calcium properly from the intestines. Because of this problem, calcium accumulates in the bloodstream, causing problems with the growth of bones and teeth.

What Causes Metabolic Bone Disease?

Metabolic bone disease occurs when the digestive system does not work correctly. With metabolic bone disease,

the body absorbs less calcium from its food than normal, and too much calcium builds up in the bloodstream.

How Do You Prevent Metabolic Bone Disease In Beardies?

You can prevent metabolic bone disease in beardies by giving them enough calcium and ensuring that they have the proper lighting to process it.

If a bearded dragon doesn’t get enough vitamin D, they will not be able to process the calcium they consume. This will lead to them shaking and their bones weakening.

This disease can result in beardies becoming permanently disfigured, and it can even cause death.

Which Vegetables Should You Feed Your Dragon?

Some good vegetable choices for your bearded dragon include kale, bok choy, dandelion greens, mustard greens, and Swiss chard. These vegetables are high in nutrition, so your beardie will get everything they need.

What Kind Of Vitamins Does A Bearded Dragon Need?

Bearded dragon vitamins come in primarily in powder form. Both types of vitamins are necessary for a bearded dragon to thrive.

Your beardie needs both B12 and folic acid. You also want to make sure your bearded dragon gets plenty of calcium, and lots of different vitamins.

Are There Any Health Benefits To Feeding Your Beardie Zucchini?

Zucchinis are not good food options for beardies because they have a lot of nutritional value. Feeding them zucchini on a daily basis would be very bad for them.

Should You Feed Your Baby Bearded Dragon Zucchini?

No, you should not feed your baby bearded dragons zucchini. This is because baby dragons need a lot of nutrients so that they can grow quickly.

If you are not giving them everything they need, they will not grow properly.

Should You Give Your Beardie Calcium Supplements?

Yes, you should always give your beardie calcium supplements. You can powder a calcium supplement over the crickets and hoppers that you will give your pet.

What Is A Common Food To Give Beardies?

Common foods to put in your beardie’s salad bowl include kale, bok choy, and Swiss chard. You should make sure that your dragon’s salad bowl is full of nutritious foods.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners.Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.