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Do Bearded Dragons Like To Be Pet?

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Petting your bearded dragon is a fantastic way to reintroduce yourself to it. Petting pets signifies this connection for many individuals, which is why it is important to know where to touch the bearded dragon.

No of their social character, the majority of bearded dragons like being stroked. Caressing its head gently and lifting it by the tummy is one of the most efficient ways to do this.

Petting a bearded dragon

You’ll want to approach your bearded dragon cautiously and try not to scare it. Eventually, you will be able to establish trust with your pet.

It can be tricky to know the best places to pet your bearded dragon, and many of us find ourselves unsure of how or where we can pet them.

Well, no more! Today, we will walk you through some of the methods you can use to pet your bearded dragon.

How Should You Pet Your Bearded Dragon?

To begin, gently approach your bearded dragon’s cage. Avoid making rapid movements or standing directly in front of it.

Additionally, you should make a deliberate effort to avoid sliding your hand within the cage too rapidly.

This is because bearded dragons are territorial animals and may grow fearful of you or attack you if you enter their domain.

Maintaining your bearded dragon properly is one of the most beneficial things you can do for it. Certain individuals then raise their bearded dragon by the tail, which is the very worst method to instill confidence in your pet.

After placing your hand gingerly inside the bearded dragon’s cage, softly touch it with your fingertips. By carrying a tasty treat in your hand, you may entice the bearded dragon to approach you.

In essence, you are permitted to pet the beardie everywhere you go. Pet the crown and gently touch it from ear to tail. Pet it in the other direction, tail to head.

How Should You Pick Up Your Bearded Dragon?

How should you pick up your bearded dragon

You may carry it if both you and your bearded dragon have acquired a feeling of security. Naturally, you should begin by monitoring the behavior of your bearded dragon.

You want to avoid disturbing it while it is eating, and picking it up would very certainly exacerbate the condition.

Once you’ve decided to pursue it, here’s how to begin.

Observe the response of your bearded dragon to your deft finger strokes. If it seems satisfied, lift it gently by placing your hand behind its tummy. Never pick up a bearded dragon by the tail or legs.

You must ensure that the weight is distributed evenly. When a newborn bearded dragon is handled, it may get fearful. You can allay some of its concerns by resting your finger on its chin.

How Should You Hold Your Bearded Dragon?

The safest and most calming method to handle your bearded dragon is to bring it up to your chest. This is a perfect bearded dragon home because bearded dragons like warm environments, and your chest are already heated.

After that, place your hand under its stomach. Arranging it is a breeze when you place its tail on your arm and its body on your palm. You may then pet it with your other hand.

Additionally, during this petting session, you may provide a treat to your bearded dragon to help it develop confidence in you.

Caressing your bearded dragon, on the other hand, will result in a considerably greater bond between you two.

If you share your home with others, make sure that no one talks too loudly or makes surprising movements, especially while the bearded dragon is out of its comfort zone.

Any sudden or loud movements and noises can startle your bearded dragon or cause them to feel threatened and lash out.

Remind youngsters to speak quietly and move slowly, and if they want to touch the bearded dragon, educate them on how to do so securely and to watch for symptoms of stress or agitation.

Additionally, you can speak with your bearded dragon. Permit your bearded dragon to climb your arms if it seems intriguing. Ensure, however, that it cannot collapse.

It is vital to keep an eye on the emotional status of your bearded dragon. You’re doing well if your bearded dragon seems to be at peace.

If, on the other hand, your bearded dragon seems anxious or sad, it may be time to return it to its terrarium.

How Should You Put Your Bearded Dragon Down?

Hand bringing down bearded dragon

It is vital to learn how to return your bearded dragon to its cage carefully. You do not want to make it extremely nervous, or worse, you do not want your bearded dragon to lose his or her degree of comfort with you.

Once again, you must proceed with caution. This is because bearded dragons are apprehensive of fast movements.

When you notice your bearded dragon is fearful, upset, or just does not want to be handled, quickly return it to its cage. Additionally, avoid wasting too much time on it.

Return the bearded dragon to its cage gradually, firmly holding on to it (but not so tightly as to damage it) to prevent it from slipping out of your arms.

Gently stretch your arm out and into the cage as you approach, producing a diagonal line with your arm.

This allows your bearded dragon to reintroduce itself to its habitat. Perhaps you could also provide a reward to thank your bearded dragon for its exemplary behavior.

With that being stated, these are some crucial aspects to bear in mind about your bearded dragon’s behavior, body language, and the most effective treatment procedures.

Final Thoughts

It is essential to wash your hands before and after touching your bearded dragon.

This is because you do not want to introduce any foreign germs to your bearded dragon—after all, they are a different species from you, and what is safe for you may be harmful to them.

Additionally, you must properly wash your hands after contact with a bearded dragon since bearded dragons are known to carry salmonella.

If your bearded dragon bites or scratches you, use additional caution while washing your hands—both are unusual occurrences, but they do happen sometimes.

Your bearded dragon’s behavior may indicate that it is angry or annoying. If this is the case, avoid stroking your beardie.

Puffing up the chin (often referred to as the beard), feeding, hissing at you, and mating with its mate are just a few examples.

Additionally, bobbing heads indicate that you should not massage your bearded dragon at this time. This might imply that it is going to mate with its partner or that they are about to engage in a dominance battle.

Similar to how you would avoid upsetting any other animal during that particular period, you should avoid distressing your bearded dragon.

Allow for some stillness, determine the cause of the problem, and keep a calm and moderate pace while with your beardie.

Do not be startled if your bearded dragon bites or scratches you. While this should not happen often, it does happen to everyone at some point. Treat and clean the wound as quickly as possible.

Petting a bearded dragon demands a high level of trust and determination. You must approach the cage with caution and avoid making any abrupt movements. Gently pet your bearded dragon to prevent causing it harm.

Finally, never pick up your bearded dragon by the legs or tail.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Know If My Bearded Dragon Is Happy?

You must ensure that all of the criteria for your bearded dragon are satisfied.

This involves changing the terrarium to the right conditions, meeting the bearded dragon’s dietary requirements, and enabling him to explore and have fun.

If your bearded dragon closes its eyes when you touch or stroke it, this signals that it feels intimidating. Furthermore, it may convey criticism of your behavior.

While many feel that this indicates fulfillment and satisfaction, this is not the case.

While bearded dragons may lack the loyalty of a cat or dog, they do exhibit love for their owners.

Many people are surprised to learn this since they believe reptiles are incapable of compassion or love (which is just not true), yet bearded dragons make excellent pets in this category!

Beardies like being warm, and when brought out of their terrariums, they often cuddle up against their owners’ necks or chests. Certain breeds may even sleep for hours on end curled against their owners!

It may take some time to develop a relationship with your lizard and reach this stage, but the work is well worth it. Allow sufficient time for your bearded dragon to acclimate to its new surroundings and you.

Begin conversing or singing to your lizard as soon as you enter the room. They will rapidly get used to your voice and recognize that you pose no danger.

They’ll eventually begin to link you with pleasurable activities such as eating and fun!

Are Bearded Dragons Intelligent?

While many prospective owners may not realize it, these lizards are highly clever!

They are capable of identifying and building a close bond with their owners over time.

Additionally, they may develop new abilities as a consequence of contact with other caged bearded dragons. Bears may also be trained!

With enough work and the proper approach, you can teach these lizards to come when called, prepare for food/water, and even walk on a leash.

Do Bearded Dragons Like To Be Played With?

Beardies need human contact to thrive, which is not the case with other types of pet reptiles. You may remove your bearded dragon from its terrarium and supervise it while it explores your house.

You can even take it on leash walks outdoors!

Bearded dragons may bite when they are scared or nervous, but this is typically not an issue as long as you treat them gently and politely.

To be quite candid, their bites are more shocking than anything else since they are seldom painful and rarely result in blood.

Are Bearded Dragons Good House Pets?

Bearded dragons are medium-sized lizards, making them an ideal pet for the majority of owners. They are compact enough to store in a small space yet large enough for tiny toddlers to readily wield.

Additionally, bearded dragons are excellent pets regardless of the size of your house. Whether you live in a little apartment or a large house, these reptiles will make excellent pets.

Bearded dragons may reach a length of between 12 and 24 inches from head to tail. Surprisingly, the tail of the lizard accounts for around one-third of its overall length. Males grow to be much bigger than females.

As adults, they are not extremely heavy, which makes snuggling a breeze.

You may be surprised to discover that bearded dragons may be rather entertaining to see! If your bearded dragon is attempting to get your attention, he or she may gallop back and forth inside the limits of its terrarium.

It will know when supper is approaching and will notify you if you are running late!

Additionally, beardies like exploring their surroundings outside of their terrariums.

Allow your lizard to explore the environment it is in daily, or get a leash and harness and take it for a walk in the yard or around the home. It’s never dull to watch these little creatures investigate!

Furthermore, bearded dragons like swimming. You may get a small pool or a large plastic storage container for your bearded dragon to swim in.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.