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Can Turtles, Tortoises, And Terrapins Eat Raspberries?

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Part of being a responsible pet owner is knowing what to feed them. It’s critical that we feed our companions correctly and help them stick to a balanced and healthy diet. 

We all know that when it comes to our diet, fruit and vegetables are a very important staple for our overall health – but is this the same with turtles, tortoises, or terrapins?

Turtle and raspberry

Part of our favorite fruits includes raspberries which are incredibly sweet and tasty, so could we feed our pets with them?

The quick answer is yes – it’s fine for tortoises, terrapins, and turtles to have raspberries, but it must be part of a controlled, balanced diet and only as an occasional treat. 

But there’s much more to it than that! Find out with our handy guide all the areas of thought when it comes to turtles, tortoises, terrapins, and raspberries. 

Tip: Check our full guide, “What Do Turtles Eat?”

Turtles And Raspberries

Turtles are omnivorous, and the largest part of their diet should be reserved for vegetables. However, it’s okay to feed them very small amounts of fruit on a very infrequent basis, as part of their normal balanced diet, as a treat.

This is because most fruits contain a high sugar content, and too much of this sugar can be detrimental to your pet’s health – and raspberries are no exception. 

It’s a good idea to examine raspberries’ nutritional value before going on further. When we have our own food, we should always check the label to make sure of the nutritional content of what we are eating and whether there are ingredients that could make us sick.

You should treat your pets with the same caution. 

Nutrition Of Raspberries 

We’ve listed the nutritional value of one cup’s worth of raspberries due to their size – which is 123g. Below, you’ll see what you or your pet will receive from eating that amount of raspberries. 

  • Calories – 65Kcal
  • Fiber – 8g 
  • Protein – 1.5g 
  • Carbohydrates – 14.7g 
  • Calcium – 31 mg 
  • Fat – 0.8g 
  • Potassium – 186 mg 
  • Iron – 0.85 mg 
  • Vitamin A – 2 mg 
  • Vitamin C – 32.2 mg 

Are There Reasons To Feed Your Turtle Raspberries?

There are some good benefits to feeding your turtle some raspberries sparingly. We’ll break them down into sections so that we can explore them further. 

Helps To Feed Undernourished Turtles 

If your turtle is underweight, you may need to feed them a little extra food with some added calories. There can be a variety of reasons why your turtle has stopped eating or is not eating as they normally were, so you should consider speaking with a vet if this is the case. 

So, in this scenario – turtles who are undernourished or are refusing to eat can benefit from eating extra food, and one way to do this is by mixing your turtle’s normal vegetable bowl with a mix of raspberries. 

If given the opportunity – turtles would love to consume fruits rather than vegetables, likely due to their smell and taste. Similar to humans who would prefer to eat tasty, non-nutritional foods over the foods that are good for us. 

Therefore, if you have mixed some raspberries into your turtle’s bowl, they will be attracted to the taste and smell and hopefully get their appetite back. 

Lots Of Micro-nutrients Are In Raspberries

One of the best things about fruit is the inclusion of rich micro-nutrients that help to keep us healthy, and turtles can also benefit from these nutrients. By consuming raspberries, turtles can more easily absorb critical things like manganese, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

These help turtles regulate key areas like their blood sugar and assist with their metabolism. It also helps them oxygenate their blood, keep their organs working correctly, maintain healthy blood pressure, and assist with their nerve functionality. 

Raspberries Help With Their Digestion Too! 

The fiber found in raspberries assists with digestion and helps to prevent constipation. Fiber is an essential part of any diet, but it is especially important for reptiles.

They cannot produce enough digestive enzymes to break down all the fiber they eat, so they must rely on their diet to provide them with the necessary nutrition. This means that they must eat a lot of fiber-rich foods such as berries, apples, and carrots.

Can Tortoises Eat Raspberries?

Yes, tortoises can enjoy raspberries too! They’re just as delicious and nutritious as other types of berries. 

Tortoise owners often wonder whether they can give their tortoises raspberries. The answer is yes, although they won’t necessarily want to eat them. 

Tortoises don’t really care much for fruit, but they do appreciate the flavor of berry-flavored treats. If you’re trying to encourage your tortoise to eat something new, then raspberry treats are a great option. 

Raspberries Can Be A Good Source Of Vitamins And Minerals For Your Tortoise

Eating turtle on red bowl

As mentioned above, there are many vitamins and minerals present in raspberries that can be beneficial for your tortoise. These include vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, E, and K, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Iron. 

Vitamin C is important for helping our bodies fight off infections and diseases and is also used to make collagen, which is needed for strong bones and joints. 

B1 is another vitamin that is vital for our health. It helps to convert carbohydrates into energy and aids in protein synthesis. 

B6 is another nutrient that is very essential for our overall health. It helps to create red blood cells, DNA, and RNA, and it is also involved in making serotonin, which helps to control mood – giving your tortoise better mental health! 

Can Terrapins Eat Raspberries?

Terrapins can indeed eat raspberries. Much like their turtle and tortoise counterparts, they’re okay to eat these berries, as long as it fits in with their normal, healthy, and balanced diet. 

Terrapins are omnivores and primarily should be eating fish and other meats, but they can also eat plants and vegetables. 

If you’re looking at introducing raspberries to your terrapin’s diet, then you’ll need to be careful to ensure they don’t get sick. You’ll also need to monitor how much they consume because they may have a tendency to overeat.

How Do I Know Whether My Tortoise, Terrapin Or Turtle Is Ready To Eat Raspberries? 

You’ll know when your tortoise, terrapin, or turtle is ready to eat raspberries if they start showing signs of interest. They might start chewing on the leaves or even nibble on the stems of the plant. They could also begin to show interest in sniffing around the bush. 

You can also tell if they’re interested in watching them try to reach out towards the raspberries. If they’re able to grab onto one, then they’re probably ready to eat them. 

Is It Safe To Give My Tortoise, Terrapin Or Turtle Raspberries?

Giving your tortoise, terrapin, or turtle raspberries will likely be safe. However, it’s always best to consult with your vet before doing so. 

They might not be keen on eating any type of food, so it’s important that you only feed them what they’re comfortable with. 

The Bottom Line 

It’s perfectly safe to feed your turtle, tortoise, or terrapin raspberries – but you need to ensure it’s as a treat. It’s wise to speak with your vet first, though, before introducing new foods into their diet.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.