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What Is The Best Dog For A Person With Allergies?

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For people who suffer from allergies, finding a dog that doesn’t trigger an adverse reaction can be challenging. Just because you are an allergy sufferer doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice the enjoyment of owning a dog. 

What is the best dog for a person with allergies?

It is worth noting that no breed of dog is considered to be completely allergy-friendly because all dogs produce dander. However, some produce less than others, which means that they are less likely to cause a reaction. 

A pet allergy is typically caused by exposure to dander, flakes of dead skin that a dog sheds. This dander is also present in their urine and saliva.

Individuals with weaker immune systems are more likely to experience any abnormal reaction following interaction with a dog.

However, there are many breeds of hypoallergenic dogs; their non-shedding coats produce less dander. The best dog breeds for a person with allergies are as follows.

A bichon frise is a popular choice amongst allergy sufferers. They are small in size with a soft, fluffy coat that does not shed heavily.

Because of their tight curls, their coats are prone to knotting so they will need to be groomed regularly. 

Available in three varieties; miniature, standard and large, Schnauzers are another popular hypoallergenic breed.

Although they are known to shed, they don’t shed heavily and they produce less dander than many other breeds. For this reason, they are an ideal option for those that suffer from mild allergies.

Poodles are considered to be one of the most hypoallergenic breeds available. Similar to schnauzers they came in three different sizes; toy, miniature, and standard.

They don’t have an undercoat that is prone to shedding heavily, however, they require frequent grooming to keep their coats in the best condition. 

The Havanese is another hypoallergenic dog. Their coats appear thicker and will either be curly or straight. Just like many of the breeds that we have mentioned, their coats will need routine grooming. 

A Bedlington Terrier is a medium-sized dog that rarely sheds. As such, they do not produce a lot of dander. The coats of these terriers do require a lot of care because if it isn’t brushed regularly, it is more likely to mat. 

Other breeds that are good for people with allergies include Afghan Hounds, Basenji, Shih Tzu, Portuguese Water Dogs, the Lagotto Romagnolo, and several more.

What are the worst dogs for allergies?

What are the worst dogs for allergies?

Some dogs produce a lot of dander which makes them less compatible with individuals with allergies.

As they shed, they will then spread this dander around your home. When you come into contact with it, you are likely to experience a reaction. 

Although they are a commonly sought after breed, German Shepherds are excessive shedders and their dry, flaky skin is likely to trigger a reaction. Even the short haired varieties are still known for their shedding. 

Basset Hounds are another breed that is unsuitable for allergy sufferers. Whilst they have short hair it still produces a fair amount of dander, they are also known to drool.

Because of this, they release quite a lot of allergens into the hair and there is a risk of these spreading around your home. 

Recognized for their engaging personalities, Beagles are another popular dog breed, however, they are not recommended for people with allergies.

They shed consistently throughout the year, although there are some seasons where they will shed their fur heavier than others. 

Labrador retrievers are another very popular dog breed. You may think that they are less likely to shed a lot because they have short coats, however, this is not the case.

In fact, they are one of many breeds that shed intensely. Aside from this, they also tend to experience issues with dry skin so they produce more dander. 

Saint Bernards produce a lot of allergens. From their drooling habits to the volume of hair that they shed, they are not the best option for people with allergies.

On the whole, Bulldogs are not considered a breed that is suitable for allergies, though some are easier to cope with than others.

As they are known for producing a lot of saliva, if they lick you or drool inside your home, there is a risk of them triggering an adverse reaction.

Doberman Pinschers are known for their smart characters. They are large which means that they have more hair resulting in higher production of dander. Besides this, their short fur sheds quite a lot too. 

Unfortunately, there are many other breeds that are not recommended for individuals with allergies. This includes Boston Terriers, Siberian Huskies, Boxers, Pekingese, Cocker Spaniel’s, Pomeranians, and many more.

If you have mild allergies, you may find certain breeds easier to deal with than others. However, it is recommended that you stick with breeds that aren’t known to cause severe flare-ups.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.