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Facts And Pictures Of Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python Morph

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Are you considering purchasing a blue-eyed leucistic ball python and want to know more information about them?

Maybe a snake breeder has mentioned them to you, and you want to know what they are. Whatever reason brought you here today, we have the answers that you need! 

We know how confusing the world of snakes can be, especially if you are a first-time owner. It can be tricky to find the information that you need and the right snake for you.

White leucistic ball python snake

Whether you are looking for a low-maintenance snake to start with or another beautiful snake to add to your home, you can quickly find yourself frustrated, overwhelmed, and unsure where to turn or who to trust. 

Well, no more! Today we are here with the answers that you need. Keep reading to find out more about these snakes and to see some wonderful pictures of them that are sure to take your breath away. 

What Is Leucism? 

Before we dive into this article, let’s take a look at what Leucism is and where this snake gets its name from. Often, people think that a Blue-eyed leucistic ball is an albino snake as it’s completely white.

But for these snakes to be classed as an albino, they would need to lack pigment in their eyes. And while their bodies lack pigment, these morphs eyes don’t! 

The Blue Eyed Leucistic, or BEL python, is often referred to as lucy. These snakes have leucism. Instead of having no or very little melanin production, which causes albinism, leucism is where several types of different pigmentation are missing. 

It is this lack of pigmentation that causes BEL ball pythons to have blue eyes and some color in their white bodies. You must know the distinction between this and albinism to help you identify these snakes and tell them apart! 

Now that we have cleared that up, we can carry on with the article and bring you the facts you need to know about these wonderful snakes! 

Blue Eyed Lucy Ball Python Genetics 

Now you might be wondering where the Blue-Eyed Lucy ball comes from. Well, it is a mixture of complex genetics coming from two morphs.

These two morphs can be from five different viable breeds, meaning breeders have plenty of choices when breeding these blue-eyed snakes. 

Five snakes have the genetic makeup needed to create a blue-eyed leucistic snake that features white scales and blue eyes. These are as follows. 

Butter Ball Python

These snakes have a rich buttery, and caramel-colored scales that look soft and smooth. 

Lesser Ball Python

A lesser ball python is similar to the butter ball python, but they tend to be a tad browner. 

Mojave Ball Python

The Mojave ball python is a co-dominant mutation of a ball python with a white under-belly that can be passed on during breeding. 

Phantom Ball Python

This snake has dark brown scales that appear almost black. Phantom balls have extremely powerful genetic traits that help when breeding a BEL ball python morph. 

Russon Ball Python

Finally, we have the Russo ball python. This is similar to the Mojave, lesser, and butter ball python. However, it does tend to be more chocolate brown than the other three. 

So how do you create a blue-eyed lucy ball? Well, you can use any of the two breeds listed above!

While they will create a BEL ball python, it’s worth noting that it can take generations of breeding to achieve the perfect snake with an almost white body and piercing blue eyes. 

It is this that makes them difficult to breed, and they are even harder to spot in the wild! It is the difficulty to achieve the perfect results that make them rare and lands them with the label of ‘designer’ morph.

This term is used to label those rare snakes that take lots of breeding to create a unique color or pattern. 

Health And Longevity Of Blue Eyed Lucy Ball Python Morph

Despite being a designer morph, you don’t need to worry about the common health problem of head wobbles with a blue-eyed lucy. That is a welcome relief for those that have dealt with this genetic problem in the past! 

But that doesn’t mean you are in the clear. These snakes can get sugar from anorexia, respiratory infections, and internal parasites when living in captivity.

You can prevent most of these by caring for your python correctly. You will want their living area to be well-maintained, clean, and safe to avoid these issues.

Providing that you care for your python correctly, they can live for thirty to forty years in captivity. If you are a first-time snake owner, we recommend speaking to a breeder to find out how you can best care for these snakes.

There is lots of help out there which means you don’t need to struggle or risk the health and safety of your snake. 

Price Of Blue Eyed Lucy Ball Python Morphs

As these snakes are extremely rare and made up of complex genetics, these ball python morphs are some of the most expensive on the market.

A blue-eyed lucy ball can set you back, on average, between $700 and $1,000. Of course, this number can vary depending on the breeder you use, so be sure to do your research beforehand. 

Remember that the cost of purchasing the snake does not include the tank and other materials and food required to keep your snake healthy and happy. 

If you are purchasing a BEL python with no smudges, color, or lines on its body, then you can expect them to be far more expensive than those with some color on their bodies.

You will also spend more on a female python than on a male or hatchlings, so be sure to factor that into your budget too. 

So why are they so expensive? Well, it’s no easy task to breed a blue-eyed lucy ball python task. It can be expensive for breeders when they are purchasing different parents for breeding.

Remember to carefully consider your budget before deciding to purchase a BEL ball python. 

Where Can I Buy A Blue-Eyed Lucy Ball Python Morph?

If this is the snake for you, then be warned, it will be tricky to find one! It’s unlikely that your local pet shop will have them, meaning you will need to find a reputable ball python breeder to do business with. 

We recommend that you check out CB Reptile. They will be your best bet for finding a high-quality BEL ball python. CB Reptile only works with high-quality breeders that sell captive-bred snakes, meaning you won’t purchase a snake that was bred illegally.

Usually, their BELs will be a mix of Mojave, Lesser, and Butter ball pythons, meaning the snake will be of high quality. 

We still think you should do your research beforehand and chat to the breeder to ensure they are the real deal and can offer you the snake that you want. 

Pictures Of Blue Eyed Lucy Ball Python Morphs 

Let’s take a look now at some pictures of these wonderful snakes. You are sure to be blown away by the contrast of their white bodies and blue eyes. We bet you won’t have seen anything like this before! 

Closeup picture of leucistic ball python snake

Wow! Look at those blue eyes. This snake is a beauty. You can see just how bright these blue eyes are and how white their body is. These snakes are one of a kind. 

Head of blue eyed leucistic ball python morph

The black background of this image provides the perfect contrast for you to see just how white this snake is! When you compare it to its eyes, it’s no wonder people pay a premium for these snakes, it’s a thing of wonder!

In this snake, we can see some color, but it’s still pretty much snow-white. 

Blue eyed leucistic ball python snake

Finally, we have this beauty being held. Again, the contrast of the colors is unbelievable. These super rare snakes make you do a double-take and marvel at their beauty. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Before you leave us today, check out our brief FAQ section to get your questions answered! 

Are Blue-Eyed Lucy Ball Python Morphs Easy To Care For?

Just like other ball python morphs, a BEL is fairly easy to care for. Because of their lack of pigment, you will want to ensure that the lighting is correct in their cage. It’s best to ask the breeder for more information on this, to ensure that it is correct for your snake.

Other than that, you will just need to ensure that your snake tank is clean and well-maintained to prevent them from picking up any infections. 

Are Blue-Eyed Lucy Ball Pythons Aggressive?

No, just like other breeds of ball python morphs, BELs tend to not be aggressive. You might see some aggression during feeding, but providing that you keep your distance, you should be okay.

Avoid picking them up during feeding and never leave children unsupervised with them. After all, any animal can snap, and it’s never worth the risk! 

Final Thoughts 

And there you have it, everything you need to know about these snakes and some fantastic pictures of them. A blue-eyed Lucy ball python morph might be rare and expensive, but once you have one, it will all be worth it!

We recommend that you do your research beforehand to ensure that you are purchasing from a reputable breeder and that you have a care plan in place so that you can provide the best possible care for your snake. 

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.