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Blue French Bulldogs: Everything You Should Know

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Melissa Whalen
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French Bulldogs are some of the best dogs around because of their small size, cuteness, and companionship. While there are many French Bulldog colors, one of the most popular colors of the breed is the rare Blue French Bulldog.

The Origin of the Blue French Bulldog

As with humans, dogs’ physical traits come from genetics. This includes their fur color. The way a French Bulldog is bred determines its color.

Dr. Lynn Buzhardt goes into detail about genetics and dog coat colors. In summary:

Frenchie colors are a result of breeding. The two basic pigments that determine the color of a dog are black and red. These pigments can be modified by various genes, which results in other colors, like the blue Frenchie coat color. Genes tell cells what pigments to produce and where to produce them; this is where a Frenchie’s unique color comes from.

Color Variations

These rare-colored dogs are also known as gray or mouse. The unique-looking blue fur gets comes in several variations.

Blue Merle Frenchies

You get a blue merle Frenchie when blue French Bulldogs are bred with a merle French Bulldog. According to many people, blue merle Frenchies are the rarest and most exotic-looking dogs. A blue merle Frenchie is very unique with a combination of different, irregular patches and streaks. Their appearance may be compared with that of cookies n’ cream ice cream.

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Image Credit: Firn, iStock 1372192225

Blue Fawn Frenchies

Blue fawn Frenchies have a cloudy-like coloration. They have a brindle (also known as a tiger-stripe look) gene that shows around their ears, eyes, and on their backside. Their blue color shows in these areas, too, making this color Frenchie fascinating.

Blue Pied Frenchies

It is very difficult to breed a blue-pied Frenchie, so there’s a chance you haven’t seen it. This can happen when pied (white) French Bulldogs are bred with a solid blue French Bulldogs. Typically, a blue-pied Frenchie has a light-colored chest, legs, and cheeks.

Blue Brindled Frenchies

The blue-brindled French Bulldog has a coat of a blue/gray color with patches of brindle (the tiger-striped pattern). Their eyes are different than most Frenchies which have dark eyes in that they are sometimes a yellow, brown, or blue/gray color.

Price of Blue French Bulldogs

Blue French Bulldogs are adorable and hard to come by. Litters are also small, with only 1-2 puppies usually. This means that a blue Frenchie comes with a high price of $5,000 – $10,000, and it’s usually not on the lower end of that range.

Since breeders must have two very healthy French Bulldogs with the uncommon dilute gene to properly breed a blue Frenchie, this process is not so easy. With that said, the cheaper the blue French Bulldog, the higher the chance it wasn’t thoughtfully bred. This isn’t always the case, but it’s something to be aware of.

In addition to their cost, Blue French Bulldogs are prone to various health issues, sometimes adding to their price a great deal. Because of this, it is important to have pet health insurance if you do choose to add a blue Frenchie (or any color one) to your family.

Caring for Blue French Bulldogs’ Coat

The neatest feature of blue French Bulldogs is, of course, their color. With that said, keeping their coat looking its best is a top priority of blue Frenchie owners. You can do that by following these simple tips and tricks:

  • Regular grooming: Bathe your Frenchie at least 4 times a year and more if they are outside often. In between baths, regular combing can rid of excess dirt in their fur, reduce shedding, and keep their coat looking nice.
  • Quality diet: What you feed your blue French Bulldog can affect their coat’s appearance. Healthy foods with quality ingredients, including water, minerals, vitamins, good carbohydrates, and grains from fruit, vegetables, rice, oats, and barley, and healthy fats found in meat and oils are best for a dog all around. Avoid foods with preservatives read as BHA and BHT, as well as artificial colors, gluten, corn syrup, and white flour.
  • Provide homemade food: While store-bought dog food can be perfectly fine if you carefully read the ingredients, homemade food can be made just right with all the best stuff for your blue Frenchie’s coat.

Blue French Bulldogs Versus Other Frenchies

Blue French Bulldogs are like other colored Frenchies when it comes to their shape, size, personality, and companionship. 

Here are some differences between blue Frenchies and other colored ones:

  • Color, of course: The biggest difference is their enthralling blue or gray color tone. This is because of a dilute recessive gene. Some other dogs develop a gray color over time, while blue French Bulldogs are born with their color.
  • Not approved by the AKC: The American Kennel Club does not approve the blue Frenchie. Years ago when they AKC listed approved coat colors, blue French Bulldogs were being bred with other blue dogs, so they weren’t considered purebreds and weren’t approved as a standard color.
  • More expensive: As mentioned, the rarity of blue French Bulldogs reflects in their higher price.
  • More possible health issues: While blue French Bulldogs can be carefully and responsibly bred, many times, they are not. This results in possible health issues. It’s important to know what to look for in a breeder to ensure that your Frenchie was bred properly and won’t face unnecessary health issues.
  • More street credit: Many people are understandably fascinated by blue French Bulldogs. These cool-looking dogs are so unique and have such a spectacular color that they will always stand out against other pups. 
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Image Credit: yhelfman, iStock 1368878724

Pros and Cons of Blue French Bulldogs

Purchasing a blue Frenchie, like any dog, should be carefully considered. Here are some pros and cons that come along with making this rare dog a family member.


  • Little or no barking: Frenchies are known to be calm and quiet. They typically only bark when there is reason to, such as to notify of a strange person or alarming situation.
  • Easy to groom: While Frenchies can shed, it’s not usually all year and is often minimal. Since their hair is so short, it’s easy to clean when it sheds. Regular brushing can remedy excess shedding, also.
  • Low energy level: They aren’t hyper, so short walks and a little playtime is really all they need. This is especially great for busy pet parents.
  • Special appearance: French Bulldogs are already adorable pups as it is. Blue French Dogs are another level of cuteness; their color makes them distinctive among most other dogs.
  • Small size: Their small size makes them easier than larger pets, especially regarding space. They are great apartment dogs!


  • Health issues: As mentioned, all French Bulldogs are prone to health issues. Vets will say that blue French Bulldogs are even more susceptible to other health issues like congenital deafness, which is a loss of hearing due to genetics.
  • Should avoid warmer climates: If you live in a warmer climate, blue Frenchies may not love it. It could work, but you’d have to be extra mindful since they have breathing issues and are also prone to sunburn with their thin coat.
  • Cost: Blue French Bulldogs are so special and rare that they cost more than many other dogs.
  • Cautious/longer purchase process: Since blue French Bulldogs are rare, it’s crucial to be cautious when looking for your perfect furry family member. You must select a reputable breeder to ensure that the dog was properly bred. It may also take some extra time to find this uncommon breed.

Interesting Facts About Blue French Bulldogs

As we know, blue French Bulldogs are top-notch. There’s even more, to know about this interesting breed with these insider facts:

  • They aren’t French. Weird, right? They are actually English. Frenchies originated from an area in England back in the 1800s, and it’s not exactly known where their name came from.
  • They don’t like to swim, and this goes for most French Bulldogs. It’s not very common for Frenchies to be good in the water, and this is likely due to a combination of reasons, including their short legs and common breathing issues, so if you get or have a blue French Bulldog, a life vest for it when near the water is a good idea.
  • They are often not naturally birthed. Since Frenchies have a big head, their mothers often have to have a C-section to guarantee healthy delivery and to ensure that this rare breed doesn’t suffer damage. If a blue Frenchie does suffer damage, the breeder will lose the opportunity to breed this rare dog.
  • They are one of the most popular dogs! The AKC announced that French Bulldogs were the 4th most popular dog in 2018. This makes the rare blue-colored Frenchie extra popular.
  • Celebrities love blue French Bulldogs, too! Actresses, including Eva Longoria and Reese Witherspoon, love their blue furry family members.


All in all, blue French Bulldogs are pretty spectacular. While they can make an excellent pet who will love you unconditionally, there are certainly some things to thoroughly consider, including potential health risks and cost if you’re thinking of purchasing or have purchased a blue Frenchie. 

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About the author

Melissa Whalen

Melissa is an avid dog lover who owns three dogs. A French Bulldog, a Pomeranian/Australian Sheppard/Collie mix, and a Chihuahua. Melissa has been a pet owner for many years and wants to help pet owners by answering some of the questions they have about their pets.

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