Bearded dragons are cute little lizards that come from Australia. They are very friendly animals that love attention.
If you want to get one as a pet, they are relatively inexpensive and easy to care for.

Bearded dragons are considered to be a member of the lizard family. They are also known as dragon lizards or simply lizards.
The name comes from their long beard-like spines, making them look like little dragons.
They are often kept as pets because of their unique appearance. Some cultures even consider them to be lucky charms.
But with their many spikes, could they be dangerous? We find out whether bearded dragons can cause harm to other pets, babies, and other people.
Are Bearded Dragons Dangerous?
Yes, bearded dragons can be dangerous in some situations. Although they are typically friendly and not aggressive, just like any pet, they can carry parasites and bacteria, which can be transmitted to other pets and people.
If you have never had a reptile before, it is important to know how to handle your new pet.
It’s not uncommon for bearded adult dragons to bite when they feel threatened. Their teeth can easily break through the skin and leave wounds.
This is why it is important to keep an eye on your pet at all times. You should also wash your hands after handling them.
When you first bring home your bearded dragon, make sure to do so safely. The best way to do this is by first keeping them away from children and small animals and introducing them slowly to each other.
You should also avoid letting them roam free around the house without supervision. This will help prevent them from getting into trouble and causing harm.
Are Bearded Dragons Good For Beginners?
Yes, bearded dragons are very laid back usually, and they are ideal reptile pets for beginners. Although they look aggressive with their spikes, they do not usually show aggressive behavior.
Although bearded dragons can bite when they need to defend themselves, they rarely do it unless provoked.
In fact, most bearded dragons are quite docile and calm. They tend to stay close to their owners and don’t mind being handled.
However, it is important to keep in mind that each bearded dragon is different and individual, so not every bearded dragon is so relaxed.
Some bearded dragons might prefer to be left alone. This is particularly true when they have just arrived at their new home.
They need time and space to adjust to their surroundings.
Is The Bite Of A Bearded Dragon Dangerous?
Most bearded dragons won’t actually bite humans. But if they do, it would only happen under extreme circumstances, such as provocation or when an animal is aggressive.
Their sharp teeth are designed to cut through tough materials such as leather and rope.
So if you get bitten by a bearded dragon, then this does hurt.
However, their bites are not toxic or poisonous, so you will likely not get more than a scratch from the bite of a bearded dragon.
Bear in mind that bearded dragons usually carry bacteria, such as salmonella, which could leave your wound infected.
That’s why it’s important that you clean up the wound as quickly as possible to avoid any infections.
What To Do When Your Bearded Dragon Is Aggressive?
If you notice that your bearded dragon has become aggressive, then you should immediately remove yourself from its territory.
Allow your animal to calm down, and you should also remove anything that may have triggered the aggressive behavior.
As a rule of thumb, always supervise and observe your pet closely. If you notice that your bearded dragon is acting aggressively, then you can also try to distract it with toys.
Also, never pick up your pet by its tail. Instead, gently lift it up with both hands underneath its belly.
Although bearded dragons are very gentle reptiles compared to some other animals, they still have sharp claws.
So, if you accidentally grab one by the tail, then you run the risk of injuring yourself.
That’s why, always handle your pet with care.
Can Bearded Dragons Be Dangerous To People?
Bearded dragons are non-venomous reptiles, meaning that they cannot inject venom into another person.
But their spines can still inflict pain and discomfort.
In addition, their claws can tear through clothing and skin.
As mentioned above, the teeth of these pet reptiles can cause injuries if they accidentally bite someone. So it is important to always supervise your pet closely.

In addition, they carry bacteria and viruses, which could leave a wound from a bite infected.
These bacteria can also be found in their feces, so when they crawl through their cage, they are likely to rub these bacteria on their body.
For this reason, it is essential that you keep your pet’s cage clean at all times and that you wash your hands after you handle the reptile.
This risk of bacteria infection can be very real for people with immune diseases or anyone who reacts to even small bacteria infections.
Can Bearded Dragons Be Dangerous To Babies?
Although there have been no reports of babies getting injured by bearded dragons, it is best to keep them away from children until they are older.
This is not just because of the risk of injuries, but babies still have a weak immune system which could be severely impacted by any salmonella transmission from the bearded dragon.
So, we recommend keeping your bearded dragon away from babies and toddlers. In addition, you should always wash your hands after you handle the animal.
Pregnant women should also be aware of any particular infection risk with these animals.
Are Bearded Dragons Dangerous To Cats And Dogs?
Yes, bearded dragons can be dangerous to dogs as well as cats. This is because bearded dragons carry salmonella and many other bacteria which could be harmful to other animals.
While healthy cats and dogs may not be ill when any diseases are transmitted, it is best to keep your bearded dragon away from any other pets, including dogs, cats, rabbits, and other reptiles.
How To Care For A Bearded Dragon Safely
There are a number of ways that you can ensure that your bearded dragon does not cause any harm to you or anyone living with you and the animal.
Here are our top tips on how to care for your bearded dragon and how to handle the reptile safely.
Always Keep Your Pet Away From Children
Children are naturally curious creatures, and they often find it hard to resist touching and playing with unfamiliar creatures.
And because bearded dragons are relatively unusual-looking animals, they can attract the attention of children much more.
Depending on the age of your child, bearded dragon owners may want to keep their bearded dragon away from younger children.
You should teach older children how to handle your bearded dragon correctly, including washing hands after the animal is handled.
Clean The Reptile Tank Regularly
It is important that you regularly clean your tank. This includes cleaning out your bearded dragon’s food and water bowls and cleaning its enclosure.
Make sure that you use a safe product to clean your bearded dragon’s tank. You don’t want to use anything that contains harsh chemicals.
Wash Your Hands After Handling

After handling your bearded dragon, make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly. Wash them with soap and warm water.
Use an antibacterial hand gel if you have sensitive skin. And remember to dry your hands well afterward.
Don’t Put Your Bearded Dragon On Your Bed
As these animals can carry bacteria, they can easily spread around the house, so it is best not to put them down where you sleep, eat or spend a lot of your time.
Do Not Kiss The Reptile
Kissing is a natural part of human behavior, but it is not something that is always good with pets.
If you kiss your bearded dragon, you will transfer germs and bacteria onto your lips, mouth, and tongue.
These germs can then enter your bloodstream and infect you.
So avoid kissing your bearded dragon.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Wild Bearded Dragons Dangerous?
No, wild bearded dragons are not dangerous. They are typically found in forests and jungles, and as they are so small, they do not pose any threat to humans.
However, wild bearded dragons have been known to attack people when they feel threatened.
Can You Tame A Bearded Dragon?
Bearded dragons are usually calm and very docile pets, so they do not need much work. However, if you find that your bearded dragon is aggressive, then you can try to tame them.
This will take a lot of time and patience, as you need to understand your pet’s body language, but it is well worth it to stop the animal from biting you or other people or pets.
Are Bearded Dragons Venomous?
The bite of a bearded dragon does contain a very small amount of venom, which does not cause any harm in humans or pets. They usually use their spines as weapons to defend themselves.
Bearded dragons may look frightening, but their small size and laid-back temperament make them great beginner pets.
They require little maintenance, and many people enjoy having one as a pet.
But be careful, especially with young children; there are health issues associated with these pet lizards.
Also, be aware that bearded dragons also have their individual characters, so not every pet dragon is calm or aggressive.
It’s best to get to know your animal in the pet store or from the breeder first.