Are you a dog person? Us, too! Have you heard about Corgi Great Dane mix breeds?

This unusual mix breed is lovable with statuesque looks in the perfect size for cuddling.
While pure dog breeds are easy to take care of, a mixed breed presents unique challenges.
It’s important to know exactly what you’re getting yourself into!
Choosing a new family member is a difficult decision. There are many factors to take into account.
Do you have children? Are you a busy professional?
How much exercise will your puppy need? You need a dog that fits into your lifestyle.
We’ll look at the positives and negatives of both breeds and what the mash-up means for you.
Whether you are thinking of getting one or already are a proud owner, we’re giving the low-down on this mixed breed.
All About Corgi Great Dane Breeds

There is not a lot of information out there about this breed. That’s why we’re here to help.
We know what you’re thinking. How did this happen?
Think about it:
These two breeds couldn’t be farther apart in looks than if a lion met your housecat! Don’t worry. It’s done via IVF.
We think it should be named Corgane. Agreed? Agreed. Why should Kimye, Bennifer, and Brangelina have all the fun?
Certain mix-breeds are bred for specific characteristics, such as temperament or hypoallergenic fur.
What is normal is that Corgis are popular dogs to mix, such as the Corgi and Beagle and the Corgi and German Shepherd.
What qualities can you expect from a Corgi Great Dane or Corgane?
Let’s find out!
The resulting appearance of the mixed breed depends on the dominant parent.
If it’s the Corgi, you can expect a medium-sized dog.
The Great Dane is a large breed of dog, so they can get big. It depends on who the baby’s momma or daddy is.
You’re asking the question, “How will I know how the dog will look?”
It boils down to genetics and whether the traits passed are dominant or recessive.
Each parent contributes half of their genetic material to the puppy.
If one contributes a dominant gene while the other is recessive, the dominant one wins.
If both are dominant, it will be a mix of both.
An excellent example of this is children’s blood type. If one parent is A and the other is B, the child may have AB blood type.
Both are recessive? The same thing happens!
Both breeds are short-haired dogs. However, Great Danes have flat hair that requires very little grooming. Corgis are known to be shedders.
They have a bi-annual shedding contest with their friends to see who can get the most fur on their family’s clothes.
The mixed breed tends to result in a dog with few grooming needs.
Coloring, again, depends on genetics. Corgis are tan with white accents. Sometimes they have a black “saddle” on their backs.
Great Danes come in big packages but also a variety of colors. They can range from blue, black, fawn, harlequin, and our favorite, brindle.
The mix of the Corgane can vary from full fawn to a fantastic blend of blacks, greys, blues, and other beautiful tones.
Great Danes

Great Danes are described as tall and statuesque. They range from 100-120 pounds.
Their large, flat head has prominent eyebrows. They also have short tails that can knock any beverage off your coffee table.
Their lovable ears are floppy unless cropped. These gentle giants are playful, affectionate, and great with children.
Due to their size, they have a shorter life span. Most large breed dogs don’t live for more than ten years, but it could be as short as 7.

Corgis are anything but tall! They are described as looking foxy, though. Nothing wrong with that!
In case you might be asking yourself:
Foxy refers to their head shape and expressive face. Their ears stand erect, shaped like two perfect triangles on the top of their head.
They have longer and furry tails unless they’ve been docked. This is traditional due to their job as herding dogs.
In the past, English dogs were taxed unless they were working dogs.
So, even if it was the family pet, their tails were docked to avoid paying additional taxes.
These dogs can only be described as feisty or, as we prefer, spicey.
They are loyal to the end and live for up to 12 to 15 years.
What’s It Like to Own a Corgane?
Both Corgis and Great Danes are known for their friendly nature but in different ways.
Corgis are great with a single owner, especially older ones. They will love you, fiercely!
Great Danes have different needs. They love to be around groups of people, especially families with children.
With proper socialization, Corganes make a fantastic addition to any household.
Rest assured; both breeds make amazing companions.
They are also easy to train. Both dogs are intelligent and will do anything for their beloved owners. Or a treat!
They respond well to positive reinforcement in training methods.
The preferred way to reward your Corgane mixed breed is by showering them with affection rather than treats.
Both dogs, while active, tend to become overweight. A good ear scratch or belly rub is better than any treat!
If you’re looking for an excellent reason to get outside and explore your neighborhood, here’s your opportunity.
Both breeds are well known for their dynamic nature.
Corganes have a lot of energy, so make sure you exercise them regularly. This way, they won’t take it out on your couch or worse!
Corgis are historically herding dogs, while Great Danes are guardians.
However, they both are described as being laid-back.
With proper socialization from the start, your Corgane will be an excellent addition to your family!
How Do I Know It’s The Right Dog for Me?

As we’ve mentioned, Corganes are smart. They are loyal and would do anything for their humans.
They love to show you they are listening and learning what you teach them.
They are all about pleasing their owner.
Do remember, though, that they are active and need regular exercise.
If you’re a busy professional, you may consider a dog walking service to ensure they get out regularly.
On the other hand:
Just be careful not to over-exhaust them, as this is detrimental to their health.
Plus, your weekends will become filled with visits to the dog park! Such a happy place!
Socialization of Corganes may be one of the most critical factors in helping them to be well-adjusted family members.
To prevent them from being a one-person dog, they need to mix and mingle with people and other dogs.
You just may become that person who takes their dog everywhere, and there’s nothing wrong with that!
There are so many options for dog owners out there if you’d like to take your dog everywhere with you! You can take them into some stores and even outdoor patios.
The farmer’s market is an excellent opportunity for exercise and socialization. Plus, you get your shopping done!
It’s true:
This loving, playful, and loyal dog makes a great addition to any family!
Does Size Matter?
Yes, yes, it does. How much room do you have? Are you living in an apartment or a house with a yard?
Corganes will, at their smallest, be a medium-sized dogs. Due to genetics, they can get big.
Medium dogs do well in an apartment with a regular exercise regimen. Larger breeds need more room to roam.
Contact your breeder to determine what size this mix breed may become.
In the past, families have returned dogs due to the fact they grew larger than expected.
You can avoid this through proper research.
Their size also affects their eating habits. Smaller dogs eat less and thus cost less to keep in food. Remember, your breeder is the expert!
They know which dominant genes will show in your potential future puppy!
Buying food in bulk is a cost-effective way to keep your baby well-fed without breaking the bank.
If you love big pups and you cannot lie, go for it!
How to Train a Corgane
Corganes are an intelligent dog breed. They want only to make you happy! This is a crucial factor in trainability.
Some dogs are stubborn and only want to be fed and walked and have their basic needs met.
It can sometimes take years to build a relationship. That is not the case here!
Due to their working history, both Corgis and Great Danes take cues from their owners well.
They quickly learn what you want from them and do it with pride.
They are in the people-pleasing business!
Remember that affection is the best reward with this breed, as they do enjoy their treats!
They can get overweight despite the fact they are an active breed.
Corgis are known for their high trainability. They often compete in dog agility trials to display obedience, showmanship, tracking, and herding.
Great Danes are not as agile due to their large size. Imagine King Kong trying to play on the monkey bars.
They are highly trainable, though, especially when started at a young age.
Dominant or recessive genes, the Corgane’s intelligence is a fact. This is a huge selling point for this breed.
They are attentive and won’t hesitate to let you know when a visitor comes to your door.
Who needs a doorbell when you’ve got a Corgane?
How to Care for Your Corgane
Corganes are known to be hungry, hungry puppies. Don’t give in to the puppy dog eyes!
If you’ve fed them properly, they’re fine! Due to their history as working dogs, their eyes are bigger than their stomach.
If you notice them getting too thin or portly, adjust their servings accordingly.
Twice-a-day feedings with a few treats is plenty! Ensure water is always available.

Luckily, Corgains require minimal grooming. Their hair is short and flat, meaning there is some shedding, but not too much.
You can bathe, or take them to the groomer regularly.
We prefer to have the groomer do their nails. These dogs have dark-colored nails, making it difficult to see them quickly.
To avoid cutting too close and hurting your beloved, have the groomer do it.
Also, walking on pavement and exercising, in general, helps to keep their nails trimmed. Walking your dog benefits not only you but your dog as well.
Daily life
You love your dog, and we know that. If you want to take good care of them, following a proper diet and exercise regime is vital for your dog’s health.
Keep them on a regular schedule.
Dogs like to know what to expect from you. It makes them feel safe. Plus, you benefit as well from taking walks!
Daily play is essential for any dog. It provides a wonderful bonding experience.
If you begin to notice any changes in your dog’s behavior or eating habits, take them in for a check-up. You know them better than anyone else.
Even if you’re not sure, take them in any way. You want to ensure your pup lives its best life with you.
A vet can help ensure you’re following proper feeding and exercise protocols and alert you to any health issues that may come up.
What About Health Concerns?

Whatever breed of dog you have, they all have the potential to develop health issues. This is not uncommon.
Some breeds are more susceptible than others and maybe genetically dispositioned to specific ailments.
Great Danes are known to have stomach problems. They can get bloated and have a twisting of the stomach.
This may require surgery. Additionally, their life expectancy is lower due to their majestic, large breed build.
A Corgi is known for hip issues and for developing eye problems. Their life expectancy is longer than a Great Dane’s.
A Corgane, however, can not exhibit any of these issues.
A reliable breeder will discuss with you any potential health issues and should always provide a health certificate.
Again, do your research.
I Want One!
As noted, these are a rare and unique breed. You will have to do your research to find one!
Pet stores do not usually offer this mix, so you’ll need to find a reliable breeder who can guarantee the health of both parents.
These dogs may be on the pricey side due to how special and unique they are.
But are well worth it! A loving addition to any family, you will not be disappointed!
Small(ish) Dog, Huge Heart!
Corgi Great Dane mix breed, or Corganes, are a fantastic addition to any household.
They are loyal, intelligent, caring, and eager to please.
This active dog will do well with a regular schedule and exercise. Their temperament is easygoing, for the most part.
They take care of those they love and will watch over your family carefully.
For someone living alone or with a family, this dog will care for and protect you.
Keeping up their appearance is easy with their short hair.
Whether you take care of bathing them yourself or have a groomer do it, they are easy to maintain.
This breed will love you fiercely! No doubt about it! Remember to go easy on the treats.