From puppyhood to adulthood, your dog’s hair and coat tend to remain the same length. So, you must be thinking if a long hair pitbull is a possibility…
Well! Nothing’s impossible! Genetics determine your dog’s hair length, but there are some techniques you can use to help grow your dog’s hair longer!
So, are you ready to have a soft and furry friend?
Let’s begin!
Let’s Talk About The Hair Growth Pattern Of Your Pit Bull!
Checking Your Pit Bull’s Hair Growth:
Here’s the thing. You look at your own hair growth patterns, try your different styles for yourself, and whatnot!

You’ve got to do the same thing for your dog!
You should check your dog’s growth patterns, and only then you’ll know how (and from where) you should trim your dog’s hair!
Let’s get a bit technical, shall we? Let’s talk about your dog’s hair…
From Puppyhood to Doghood: The Coat
When a puppy is born, that bundle of joy only has a single soft coat of hair, but this coat is later moderately replaced with an adult coat.
So, when does this even happen!?
Well, this change occurs at the age of 3-6 months. But, that being said, this process can even take the entire puppyhood or even take over a year to complete!.]
But there is one mysterious thing!
You can see a shaggy or sketchy growth of hair in your puppy. This is because the puppy’s hair growth is progressively replaced by adult hair growth.
So you can get an idea of your puppy’s hair growth during this phase!
Hair Growth Cycles and Your Dog!
So, your dog’s hair growth cycle actually has three phases, namely:
- The Anagen phase2
- The Transient Catagen phase
- The Telogen Phase
We’ll talk about them in detail, but more on that later…
You must be wondering why I’m making you read this stuff.
Well, I know this is bound to get technical for you. But, that being said, you have to understand this stuff as it will help you understand the underlying factors behind your dog’s hair.
I totally get the technical thing, though! But don’t worry! I’ll make it as simple as I can…
Let’s talk about this, shall we?
As you know, once your furry friend sheds their puppy coat, it is replaced with the adult coat.
This process follows the three phases that we mentioned earlier.
Phase 1: The Anagen Phase:
It’s not as intimidating as you think!
So, in this phase, your dog’s growth basically reaches its full length. And this growth is called active growth.
This growth of hair is regulated according to the genes your dog inherited and the breed of the dog.
I think you got this. Right?
Phase 2: The Transient Catagen Phase:
So, after the Anagen phase comes to the transient catagen phase. This one is basically the end phase of the growth of hair.
This means that in this phase, only a very small or minute growth is seen.
This phase signals the end of growth.
Phase 3: The Telogen phase:
This is the last one!
This phase is a stable non-resting phase. This means that your dog cannot grow more hair.
How sad, right?!
So, when it comes to Pit Bulls, they don’t have long hair because of the genes and the breed.
But now we have the power to think beyond that. We’ve other methods as well!
Long Hair Pit Bull: Methods For Growing Your Furry Friend’s Hair!
So, as we discussed earlier, there are a few ways in which we can help your furry friend grow longer hair.
Let’s discuss them, shall we?
Get A Cross-Breed Dog!
(What Happens When You Mix a Pit Bull With a Golden Retriever)
Well! This is a natural process! And cross-breed dogs are beautiful! All you need to do is get a puppy with a Golden Retriever and a Pit Bull parent, and you’re done!
You will get a Golden Bull!
Golden bulls have long hair. And the dog is very loving and friendly. This red nose dog with golden hair will steal your heart.
This is how you can get a long hair pit bull!
(What Happens When You Mix Black Pit Bull with Lhasa Apso)
So, the Lhasa apso is a really cute dog with long hair. I love this breed. If I need to see his face, I need to use both of my hands to draw his beautiful hair back.
So, all you have to do is get a puppy with a Pit Bull parent and a Lhasa Apso parent, and you’re good to go!
And what you’ll get is a cute little Pit Apso.
A cute little dog with a pink nose and shiny cream hair. Wow! What a combination.
It is so cuddly and beautiful!
But that’s not all that I’ve got under my sleeve! There’s more that I’ve to share with you all!
2. Your Dog’s Diet
This is an important thing that you should keep your eye out for!
Your dog’s diet really matters a lot when it comes to getting those pretty hair! I rely on this method to the most; see, I don’t want to distract your mind.
Let’s come to the point.
- If you want your pink nose friend to grow long hair, you need to feed him omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
- This not only supports hair growth but if you want that your dog to win the hair show, then this is the best advice for you
- As Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids give a lustrous and shiny texture to the hair of your dog
So, where to get those omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids from? Well, I’ll help you with that!
Ok! Let me tell you! Walnuts and fish (especially Salmon) are probably the richest sources of Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
I’d advise you to give these to your dog throughout the day as treats, and you’ll soon get an extra furry friend!
3. Your Dog’s Bath
Here’s the kicker deal for you. The shampoo you use for your dog influences his hair growth. Before you buy shampoo for your best friend. Check out that:
- It should include moderate chemicals because the hard ones your dog’s eyes can’t afford
- It should have a good fragrance, prefer fragrance-free shampoo because the flavored one may act as the irritant
- It should have a low pH value
So, how often should you bathe your dog?
Well, you must keep cleanliness in mind!
My best advice is that you bathe your dog once a week or once on two to three weeks. No more, no less!
Let’s get your dog soft and shiny, shall we?
So, both of you can enjoy the bath together, but wait! You don’t get confused with the shampoos. I mean, don’t you mix that! Haha! Just kidding with you!
But before that, you need to select a good shampoo!
I’ll help you with that…
I’m spoon-feeding you a lot, right!? Here are my top picks for the shampoos that my dog likes:
- Pitbull deodorizing shampoo
- Vet Trusted 2-in-1 Pet Shampoo & Conditioner by SunGrow: 100% Organic, Medicinal shampoo + conditioner
- ALL Natural 5-in-1 Dog Shampoo and Conditioner
- Healthy Breeds Bright Whitening Shampoo – pH Balanced Shampoo & Conditioner
- Pet Oatmeal Anti-Itch Shampoo & Conditioner
These above-mentioned shampoos are the best ones; you should try these for growing the long hair of your pit bull dog.
I have been using these for a while, and the results are incredible. I mean, not on me but on my dog!
4. Hair Growth and The Collar!
Your dog’s clothing, which is the collar! can hinder his hair growth.
I’ve got a list of some awesome dog collars that won’t hurt your dog’s hair growth and will look cute and fancy!
- Designer Pitbull Dog Collar
- PET ARTIST Genuine Leather Dog Collar
- Leather dog harness for Pitbull
- Leather Dog Jacket Coat Collar Walking Harness Labrador Boxer Pitbull
These collars have certain advantages:
- They’ve got an anti-pull harness design.
- They fit most adult big dogs, like Pit Bulls.
- They are all stylish leather dog jackets/coats.
- They are great for cold-weather dog walks.
- They are padded for the dog’s comfort and do not hurt his hair
We Wind Up Here!
Well! I have talked about the methods of how you can grow long hair for your dog. You can use these techniques to get yourself a long hair Pit Bull!
And make it a point to give your dog friend regular baths and use the proper collars to try and grow your dog’s hair.
But remember, the length of hair of your Pit Bull is determined by genetics! These tips can only go so far!
I hope that these techniques help you! Please comment if you’ve got any questions, and I’ll gladly answer them in the comments section!