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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Turnip Greens? Pros & Cons

By Kerry
Updated on

Bearded dragons are one of the coolest pets you can own.

Native to Australia, these frilly lizards are reptiles which makes them incredibly different from you and us.

The O.G. solar-powered crew, reptiles like bearded dragons love to bask in the sunlight to recharge their batteries.

Bearded dragon on grass eating

But, this ‘basking to recharge’ way of life doesn’t mean they don’t need wholesome, nutrition-filled food to fuel their systems and keep being the best beardies they can be.

This begs the question, what exactly do bearded dragons eat?

Luckily, they aren’t fussy animals and will generally eat most things.

This makes them omnivores as they eat both plants and other animals (typically insects).

However, when you’re talking about food types that humans eat, there are some big no-nos out there that should be avoided at all costs.

Leafy greens are one of those controversial food types as some varieties can be super beneficial for beardies, and others not so much.

What better way to keep food waste down than giving your beardie the offcuts that you yourself won’t eat?

That’s why today we’re going to look into whether bearded dragons can eat turnip greens.

On top of that valuable nugget of information, we will hit you with a stack of more interesting facts, stats, dos, and don’ts that relate to turnip greens, beardie diets, and the rest.

What Are Bearded Dragons?

Bearded dragons are reptiles belonging to the dragon family.

Their body size varies between 15 cm and 30 cm (6 inches).

They are omnivorous and feed on insects, worms, fruits, seeds, leaves, flowers, eggs, and even other lizards.

Bearded dragons are known for their intelligence and curiosity.

They are also very playful and friendly.

They are great pets because they are very social animals.

Bearded dragons are a non-poisonous species of lizard, which we’re guessing is music to parents’ ears?

They can be kept in pairs or groups of 3-4 individuals.

If you have more than 4, it is best to keep them separated in different enclosures.

In the wild, bearded dragons are a lizard species from the vast continent of Australia.

They are native to Australia specifically, they are often kept as pets in many other countries as well.

They are cold-blooded and need warmth to survive.

They also need to be near sunlight to stay warm.

They can burrow into the ground to escape predators.

Semi-arboreal means that they can climb up a tree but not as high as an arboreal mammal.

They’re usually found on fence posts and branches.

What Do Bearded Dragons Eat In The Wild?

Bearded Dragons love eating bugs!

Their diet includes meat, vegetables, and even other reptiles.

They’re very social animals, living together in groups.

Bearded dragons need water daily, but they don’t drink much.

They are active during the day and night and sleep most of the time.

They don’t hibernate or burrow underground, but they do spend some time basking in the sunlight.

How Often Should I Feed My Bearded Dragon?

You should be feeding your pet bearded dragon at least once per day.

If they aren’t interested in eating every day then monitor them as this could be a sign they’re sick or something else may be wrong.

The amount of food that you give your bearded dragon depends on several factors.

First, how old are they?

Young bearded dragons need more food than older bearded dragons do.

Second, what kind of diet does he have now?

Is he eating crickets, mealworms, lettuce, apples, bananas, etc.?

You might find that some foods work better for his diet than others.

Third, how active is he? Some bearded dragons are very active and require a lot of exercise.

Others are less active and will stay inside all day long without needing much food.

Fourth, what time of year is it?

During the summer months, you may not need to feed your bearded dragon because he will be basking in the sun.

However, during winter, you may need to provide extra food so that he doesn’t get cold.

What Are The Best Foods For A Bearded Dragon?

Two bearded dragons eating

Bearded dragons have an extremely varied diet, and there are many different types of foods that they enjoy.

Here are just a few of the best ones:

  1. Insects – Beetles, grasshoppers, ants, cockroaches, crickets, ladybugs, termites, etc.
  2. Mealworms – These are small worms that grow on trees and bushes. Mealworms are easy to find and inexpensive.
  3. Lettuce – This is one of the easiest things to feed your bearded dragon. Lettuce is high in protein and vitamins, so it’s perfect for them.
  4. Carrots – Carrots are also great for bearded dragons because they provide lots of vitamin A.
  5. Apples – Apple slices are another good option for your bearded dragon.
  6. Bananas – Bananas are packed with potassium, which helps keep your bearded dragon’s heart strong.
  7. Vegetables – Your bearded dragon loves vegetables too. Try feeding him broccoli, spinach, green beans, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, squash, peppers, zucchini, corn, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, carrots, parsley, kale, collard greens, turnip greens, beets, and radishes.
  8. Bones – Bearded dragons love bones. They’ll chew on anything from chicken bones to fish bones to dog bones to bone fragments.
  9. Crickets – Crickets are low-fat, nutritious insects that are excellent for your bearded dragon. They are available at pet stores, online, and sometimes at grocery stores.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Turnip Greens?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat turnip greens.

In fact, this is probably the most common thing that they eat.

Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning that they eat both plants and animals.

Many people think that bearded dragons only eat insects, but they actually eat a wide range of foods.

What Are Turnip Greens?

Turnip greens are a type of leafy vegetable that has a mild flavor and a slightly bitter taste.

They contain nutrients such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin C.

When you buy turnip greens, look for fresh, crisp leaves that don’t smell bad.

Store them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use them.

What Is The Nutritional Level Of Turnip Greens?

Turnip greens contain many vitamins and minerals that are essential for bearded dragons.

Their calcium to phosphorus ratio is very important because if they get too much calcium, it can cause bone problems.

  1. Calcium – Calcium is essential for keeping your beardie healthy. He needs a daily intake of calcium in order to stay strong and healthy. A cup of turnip greens contains 190 mg of calcium. Turnip greens are very nutritious foods that are high in calcium. They can be added to your beardie’s daily diet, but you should also include other vegetables such as broccoli and spinach. These are also some of the most popular veggies for beardies.
  2. Vitamins A & C – Bearded dragons love turnip greens because they’re full of vitamins! They help with many functions in the body including vision, bone growth, reproduction, immune system function, and skin health. Beta-carotene is a precursor for vitamin-A, which helps with many things like vision, bone growth, and reproduction. Vitamin C helps support bone health. It aids growth and reproduction. Turnip greens also contain vitamin C which has many positive effects on your body.

Calcium To Phosphorus Ratio

Bearded Dragons need to eat a diet rich in calcium and phosphorus.

Turnip Greens provide 190 mg of calcium and 142 mg of phosphorus per 100 grams.

Turnip greens are an excellent source of nutrition for beards.

They are high in protein, low in fat, and contain many vitamins and minerals.

They are also very easy to grow.

How To Grow And Care For Turnip Greens?

You can grow turnip greens yourself if you’d like.

Simply choose a sunny location where you can plant your seeds.

Water them regularly and let them grow into big, beautiful plants.

Once they reach maturity, harvest the leaves and store them in the refrigerator.

You can also purchase turnip greens already grown and packaged.

Look for packages labeled “organic” or “fresh”.

Avoid buying any package that says “wilted,” “dried out,” or “frozen.”

How To Serve Turnip Greens To A Bearded Dragon?

Turnip greens are safe for bearded dragons to eat.

They should be served as part of their daily diet.

They can be served with other vegetables to create a tasty veggie salad.

Bearded dragons should be fed turnip greens raw, not cooked.

Washing them removes any dirt or chemicals, and then they can be laid into their food bowl.

To serve turnip greens to your bearded dragon, simply place them in an open container.

Be sure to keep the container clean and free of debris.

Make sure that there’s plenty of room for your bearded dragon to move around.

He will enjoy chewing on these delicious vegetables!

Are There Downsides To Turnip Greens?

Turnip greens are such an awesome green to feed to your bearded dragon.

There are no downsides to offering this green as part of a healthy diet.

Your bearded dragon should get enough vitamins by eating a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables.

Adding turnip greens to your bearded dragons’ diet might cause them to become toxic if you give them too much of a certain vitamin.

Bearded dragons eat insects, cockroaches, crickets, worms, and other bugs.

They need lots of protein and fat to stay healthy.

In addition, vitamins and minerals help them grow and thrive.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Turnip Greens?

Baby bearded dragons do not require a special diet.

Their diets consist of live foods, such as mealworms, crickets, roaches, earthworms, waxworms, and snails.

You can offer baby bearded dragons turnip greens as long as it’s part of their regular diet.

If you want to make sure that your baby bearded dragon gets all the nutrients he needs, you may want to consider giving him some supplements.

Can Pregnant Bearded Dragons Eat Turnip Greens?

Bearded dragon on a tree branch

A pregnant female bearded dragon should not eat turnip greens.

Female bearded dragons are under a lot of stress, and the extra fiber from vegetable matter would worsen this problem.

A pregnant female bearded dragon would most likely already be eating everything she could get, so there is no point in giving her more vegetables.

What Are The Benefits Of Feeding Turnip Greens To A Bearded Dragon?

The benefits of feeding turnip greens to bearded dragons are in line with the benefits to humans.

They include:

  1. Healthy skin – Turnip greens have been used for centuries to treat various skin conditions. This is because they are packed full of antioxidants, which prevent cell damage and promote healing.
  2. Digestive health – Turnip greens are great for digestion. They contain fiber and roughage, both of which aid in keeping your digestive tract running smoothly.
  3. Vitamin C – Turnip greens are loaded with vitamin C. It helps boost immunity and keeps your skin looking young and vibrant.
  4. Antioxidants – These powerful compounds protect against cancer and heart disease.
  5. Bone health – Turnip greens contain calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. All of these elements work together to strengthen bones.
  6. Energy levels – Some people claim that eating turnips increases energy levels, so you just know they’re working wonders on your pet beardie.
  7. Immunity – Turnip greens are rich in vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, and beta carotene. These vitamins support your immune system.
  8. Heart health – Turnip greens also contain potassium, manganese, copper, and phosphorus. These minerals play important roles in maintaining strong blood pressure and preventing cardiovascular problems.

What Greens Should Bearded Dragons Not Eat?

Bearded dragons should be fed a variety of green vegetables.

Avoid iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, spinach, beet tops, and any other greens with high amounts of phosphorus or oxalic acid.

These greens are bad for bearded dragons because they are nutritionally poor, have low calcium/phosphorus ratios, and contain lots of oxalic acids.

Avoid iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, spinach, and beet tops.

What Is The Best Way To Cleanse My Beardie’s Gills?

Beardies have gills located under their throats.

These gills allow water to pass through so your beardie can breathe underwater.

When beardies go swimming, they must rinse off the excess salt from their bodies.

This is called flushing out. Flushing out happens when you bathe or wash your bearded dragon.

However, there are other ways to flush out your bearded dragon without having to bathe him.

One way is to use a spray bottle filled with warm water.

Spray your bearded dragon until his gills start to bubble.

Then, let him dry off completely before bathing him again.

Another method is to put your bearded dragon into a bowl of freshwater.

Let him sit in the water for about five minutes.

Finally, remove him from the water and give him a good scrubbing.

How Do I Know If My Bearded Dragon Has Been Sick?

If you notice any unusual behavior in your bearded dragon, you should take him to the vet right away.

Your bearded dragon could be sick.

Here are some symptoms to watch for:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss

If your bearded dragon has any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately, and you may need to change their diet.

How Much Water Should I Give My Bearded Dragon?

Your bearded dragon needs plenty of clean, freshwater.

Make sure it always has access to an indoor aquarium.

Keep it in a room where the temperature stays between 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius) and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius).

Avoid direct sunlight because it can cause overheating. Also, avoid giving your bearded dragon too much water.

How Can I Prevent My Bearded Dragon From Getting Scaly Skin?

You can prevent your bearded dragon from getting scaly skin by keeping it healthy.

Always clean your bearded dragon thoroughly after each bath.

Use only safe chemicals such as soap and shampoo.

Never use anything that contains ammonia or bleach.

Wash your hands before touching your bearded dragon.

Don’t leave your bearded dragon alone in the sun for more than 15 minutes.

Check on your bearded dragon daily.

Watch for signs of illness and call your veterinarian if necessary.

What Are The Different Types Of Bearded Dragons?

There are several different types of bearded dragons.

Each type has its own unique personality traits.

Here are some of the most common:

  • Common Bearded Dragon – This is the most popular species of the bearded dragon. These reptiles can reach lengths of 12 inches long and weigh from 1 to 6 pounds. They are generally docile and hardy animals.
  • African Dwarf Bearded Dragon– This dwarf bearded dragon is smaller than other breeds. They typically measure only 4 to 8 inches long and weigh less than 2 pounds. They are extremely active and playful.
  • Chinese Crested Bearded Dragon – These bearded dragons are the smallest breed of all. They are usually only 3 to 5 inches long and weigh no more than 2 ounces. They are known for their beautiful colors and markings.

How Can I Take Care Of My Bearded Dragon?

There are several things that you can do to help keep your bearded dragon healthy and happy.

First of all, you should always feed your pet regularly.

Feeding your pet twice a day is ideal but you can adjust this schedule according to your needs.

You should also change the water every week or two depending on how often you feed your pet.

Change the water because it contains minerals that your pet needs to stay healthy.

You should also pay attention to the temperature of your pet’s enclosure.

It is best to keep the temperature between 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24°C) and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29°C).

Finally, you should make sure that your pet gets regular exercise.

Exercise helps your pet burn off excess energy and maintain good health.


So there you have it.

The answer to your burning turnip question and, as we promised, so much more.

Information that’s going to help you keep your beardie well-fed, healthy, and of course happy.

As we said, there’s nothing quite like having a beardie as a pet.

Their natural habits are so noticeably different from regular pets like dogs and cats that you can literally spend hours just studying their movements and getting to know them on a deeper level.

Maybe you’ve already brought your little baby beardie home and you’re wondering whether your turnip ends are their ideal meal.

Or, maybe you’re toying with the idea of a pet beardie and you just wanted to get the heads up on what their diet will be.

Either way, we hope this article has given you the information needed to bring a beardie home and call him your best mate.

Your best beardie best mate.

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About the author


Kerry White is an avid dog lover and writer, knowing all there is to know about our furry friends. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners.Kerry has two dogs herself - a German shepherd called Banjo and a chocolate labrador called Buttons. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles.