We all love our fur babies, but sometimes they can be naughty! We love sharing our space with them, even the bed.

They can disturb your night’s rest with their utterly adorable snoring, the occasional passing of gas, or jumping on and off the bed in the wee hours.
What is most upsetting is when they pee! It is also confusing for us humans when they do it right in front of us!
See also:
And then you start to think, “my dog peed on my bed on purpose.”
So what can you do?
We’ll look at why your dog may be engaging in this unsavory behavior.
What does it mean when they do this or pee in their own bed? Why is my dog peeing on the bed?
We’ll look at the reasons why be happening and what it could mean.
Is a vet necessary? We’ll get to that in a bit…
There are several reasons why your dog relieved themselves in that spot and what you can do about the issue.
But first:
Let’s make sure to clean up your bed so it doesn’t smell like your bathroom!
How to Clean the Mess
When it comes to your bed, it’s important to clean up things as soon as you can for a few important reasons.
Dogs tend to pee in familiar places. Especially where they can still smell urine; remember, dogs have an incredible sense of smell.
They can sense scent over 10,000 times better than their human counterparts. Amazing!
While professional cleaning would be difficult, it really isn’t required. There are a few steps you can take.
Additionally, learn how to get dog pee out of a mattress if the accident goes beyond your bed linens.
You can begin with a mixture of detergent, baking soda, and white vinegar. But while this may eliminate any unwanted stains, the urine smell from the ammonia left behind may still linger.
To totally kill the smell, you need a product like the Angry Orange Odor Eliminator. This is a great product to use to get rid of the pee smell.
How to use it?
First, remove your sheets and absorb excess liquid. Spray and saturate with the ion solution and simply let air dry.
This method will also do wonders if your dog has peed on your clothes.
Now, let’s dig deep and debunk the myths behind why your dog might be doing this in the first place.
The Myths
This behavior does not mean what you think! So before you ask the question, “my dog peed on my bed, what does that mean?” Read on.
Some believe it to be payback for leaving them alone or reprimanding them. This is not the case!
Trust us when we say this:
As smart as your dog may be, they do not plot revenge. They also are incapable of holding a grudge.
Your dog is also not attempting to exert dominance over you. Not at all! Yes, dogs urinate to mark territory.
However, they do this with other animals, not humans. Are there other pets in the house? Or maybe they are concerned about intruders.
Try not to get too upset with them over this behavior. It will only embarrass them.
You do not want to send the message that going to the bathroom is negative behavior.
Don’t worry; we’ll look at ways to curb this behavior. But first, why is this happening?
Reasons Your Dog Pees the Bed

Is this a new behavior? There are several health reasons to be concerned if your dog has recently started peeing on your or their bed. Or even peeing on the couch if you and your pup often sleep there as well!
Weak Bladder
Did your puppy wet the bed? They do have smaller bladders than older, full-grown dogs.
It’s understandable if they can’t hold it until you get home from work or school.
Stay patient with your puppy. They will learn better bladder control as they get older.
Now, if they are already older, observe if this is merely your dog leaking urine while lying down on your bed or if it truly is intentional.
If you begin to notice this trend in your older dog, it may be cause for concern.
If you see an increase in bladder production, it’s time for a visit to the vet.
Older dogs are prone to urinary tract infections or diabetes.
This makes them unable to hold their pee as they have in the past.
Your vet can help diagnose the underlying issue and prescribe medication.
Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is caused when a dog is worried you may not return.
They can’t tell time, which is why you get the same reaction to coming home if you’ve been gone for ten mins or four hours.
They want your company.
Dogs are social creatures. They love spending time with you and your family. Humans, especially introverts, need alone time to recharge their batteries.
Dogs prefer your company rather than being alone.
Have you noticed that even when your dog wants alone time, they are never far?
Anxiety in dogs has varying degrees. Some may bark when you are leaving the house but settle down within 10 minutes.
Others stay upset until you return. They may even engage in destructive behaviors while you are out.
If you go to the bathroom, does your dog come running to look for you?
Their eyes may say, “Where’d you go? Oh, good, you’re still here!”
Do they kick up a fuss when you leave the house? Have you come home to a huge mess?
They may suffer from separation anxiety and need your soothing to relax their tension.
We see this in dogs who have been rescued or adopted.
It is common for puppies who have just been separated from their litter. Keep them on a regular schedule to help alleviate their anxiety.
But there is more to this:
Chances are, they move to the bed because it smells strongly of you!
This feels like a safe place. Plus, they know you will wind up there.
We all retire at the end of the day, and your puppers is confident they can’t miss you if they wait there for you.
Your dog is not peeing because they are angry with you.
Not at all! Anxiety is a scary feeling for anyone. Your pup is trying to alert you to the fact they don’t feel well.
They know they rely on you for their care. This is how they show you there is a problem.
We know this sounds like a strange way to try to strengthen your bond, but it’s true.
This is typical pack behavior.
Peeing in the same spot makes the pack seem more significant to outsiders.
Dogs want to please their owners
Why the Eye Contact?

You may view this as aggressive behavior, but it’s quite the opposite! They are showing trust and respect.
Have you noticed your dog won’t break eye contact when pooping? There’s a reason for that!
While your dog is doing his business, they consider themselves to be vulnerable.
This is a time when your pet is unable to fight or run away. It’s tough to flee a dangerous situation when you’re taking care of business!
Your dog knows this and watches you for safety.
As a member of their pack, they look to you for signs of imminent danger.
Dogs are experts on the human body and facial language.
They have to be in their ongoing quest to please us.
It’s confusing, right?
Without reading our reactions to situations, dogs get confused and don’t know how to behave.
If your dog does pee in the bed while staring at you, it’s best not to get upset.
This is true, especially if your dog is subservient.
They will generally display submissive behavior after evacuation, such as offering your their bellies.
The behavior can get worse if you become angry or scold them for peeing on the bed.
But They Peed with Me in the Bed!
If you’re playing with your puppers on the bed and they suddenly stop to pee, it may be due to overexcitement.
Or, they may be trying to say thank you!
They may be marking you. Have you changed jobs and are working more hours?
Perhaps they are feeling neglected. There are other questions to ask yourself.
Did you introduce a new pet to the household?
Are you spending time at a friend’s and coming home smelling like another pet?
Do you feel anxious about stress in your life?
Dogs pick up on your emotions and get insecure. Reassure them they are loved unconditionally by you!
Science has proven that a dog’s guilty look is not related to the actual act.
It’s due to your reaction. They know you’re upset.
This is part of the reason it’s important not to scold them too much.
They will not take it that you’re angry they peed on the bed, but rather that they needed to pee at all.
My Dog Pees Their Bed
Have they also been peeing in their bed? This is a cause for concern.
Again, this may be due to an illness or subservient nature. Don’t reprimand them.
They are trying to communicate with you!
If you have a multi-pet home, your dog may feel intimidated and feel the need to mark their territory.
They want to send the message that the bed is for them and them alone.
Is it normal?
Dogs do not like to pee in the same place they eat or sleep. This is a clear sign of distress.
If it happens out of nowhere, take them to the vet straight away.
What Can I Do About It?
There are several solutions you can consider to solve your problem.
No one wants to sleep in a wet spot. Especially urine!
Pay a Visit to the Vet
If the peeing starts out of the blue, your dog may be trying to tell you something’s wrong.
Dogs can’t use their words to let you know they aren’t feeling well.
Pay attention to your dog’s behavior. It may be a message that something deeper is going on.
It could be that your dog is getting older and losing their bladder control.
It’s tough to get upset with your dog for growing old, especially as they’ve been loyal companions.
What Medical Issues May Be Indicated?
It could be your dog has a urinary tract infection. This is more common in female dogs, but any dog can get one.
Look for other signs of infection, such as mucus in the urine or a fishy smell to their pee.
Urinary care dog food and/or antibiotics are used to treat this issue.
If your dog doesn’t take pills well, crush them up and mix them in their food or Greek yogurt.
Check with your vet for any possible reactions.
Bladder stones could also be the culprit. Check for urine crystals when they go “number one.”
Some stones can be dissolved through specific food types, though some do require surgery.
Another common ailment is diabetes. If you see increased urination, thirst, or weight loss, it’s time to pay a visit to the vet.
Diabetes left unchecked can lead to severe health issues and even death.
See also:
- Dark Urine in Dogs: Why It’s Not Good and 5 Things to Do Now
- Dog Drinking Own Urine: 5 Causes and How to Stop It
- Is Dog Urine Harmful to Humans: Answers You Should Know
- Foamy Dog Urine: Solving the Bubbly Pee Problem
Restrict Access
The first and most straightforward solution is not to allow your pet on the bed. If you can, close your bedroom door while out or at work.
Provide a cozy place on your bedroom floor for your dog to curl up near you at night.
Consider getting a baby gate if you live in a smaller apartment or do not have a bedroom door to close.
You can either keep your dog in a particular room, like the kitchen or keep them out of your bedroom.
Crating is another option, mainly if your pet engages in destructive behavior while you’re out and about.
Remember, dogs prefer not to pee where they sleep. If they urinate in the crate while you’re away, take them to the vet as soon as you can.
Puppy Pads

Get puppy pads! I can’t stress enough how helpful and important these are. The charcoal ones help to absorb odors.
Additionally, some people use pads meant for humans, and they can work as well if you need larger sizes.
Next time an accident happens, use a pad to soak up some of the liquid.
Place the pad in a pre-approved spot you’d prefer accidents to happen, like a bathroom or the kitchen.
Your dog will most likely gravitate toward the familiar smell and do their business there.
This is extremely effective for dogs suffering from separation anxiety who pee every time you leave the house.
You’re hanging out with your dog on your bed. You see them begin to exhibit behavior, such as sniffing or turning in circles, that indicate a pee is imminent.
Gently stop them and get them off the bed. Take them to a predetermined spot in your house or, even better, outside.
By correcting the behavior, you change expectations.
Dogs work best when they know exactly what you want from them.
Providing them with that structure makes them feel safe and content that all is right with the world.
Accidents Happen
Just remember that if you live in an apartment, you may have to take an elevator ride to a safe place.
In case an accident happens before you reach the safe zone, clean up after your pet.
It’s unfair to leave unwanted presents for your neighbors to find and smell!
Also, if you live where there is grass readily accessible, make sure you pick up after your pet.
It’s the right thing to do when your dog do-dos.
Establish a Routine
Perhaps you’re walking them too early before you leave for work or heading out to run errands. Walk them closer to the time you go out.
It is possible to set a dog’s internal clock by walking them at the same time every day.
They will be less prone to have accidents either while you’re away or soundly sleeping.
Positive Reinforcement
When your dog goes to the potty in an acceptable spot, praise them! Give them a treat!
Let them know this is the behavior you want to see!
If you’re not sure how, check out this video for tips on how to use positive reinforcement with your dog.
Spend More Quality Time
If your dog is peeing due to a need for more bonding, that is easily remedied.
It’s easy to carry out more quality time with them!
Take them for a walk instead of hitting the gym! If your dog is more athletic, you can take them on hikes, for a bike ride, rollerblading, or running.

The simplest way is to talk to your pet! While you’re hanging out around the house, talk to them.
If you’re cleaning or making dinner, sing out loud.
You’ll get a tail wag in response!
Plus, it’s an excellent excuse for those of us who naturally talk to ourselves. We seem less crazy!
Are you talking to yourself? No! I’m talking to the dog!
Are you watching Netflix? Curling up with a good book? Get your dog to come over for a snuggle!
They’ll love the opportunity to be close to you. And they can help keep you warm!
Take your dog to an outdoor patio. Your dog gets to spend time with you outside of the house.
Ever notice how your dog gives you the once-over when you get home?
They’re interested to learn where you’ve been. This way, they already know!
Hire a Dog Walker
If you are in the middle of training your puppy, or your pup is getting on in years, a busy professional may consider hiring a dog walker.
Working an eight-hour shift, not including the commute, can leave your dog alone for the better part of the day.
You’re not expected to hold it for that long. Why should your dog? See: how long a dog can go without peeing.
It also allows for additional socialization for your puppers.
If your walker is busy, your dog can play with other dogs and have fun at the park!
Obedience School

Enrolling your pet in obedience school is a great way to establish expected behaviors. It also trains you!
Not everyone knows how to deal with a new dog. A trainer can offer great tips on becoming the pack’s leader.
Crate Training
Crates can become your dog’s Batcave in the house. They are unlikely to make a mess in their spot.
Some crate their dogs while they are away at work. Others crate them during the night. This can aid in preventing accidents in your bed.
Make sure never to use the crate as punishment. Your dog will not feel comfortable in it if negative feelings are associated with its usage.
Best Friends Fur-Ever
You love your fur baby and want the best for them! So do we!
Remember, your dog only has a certain amount of ways to communicate, so you can stop thinking, “my dog peed on my bed on purpose.”
Unfortunately, one of them is through urination. Peeing the bed is not as uncommon as you may think.
This often goes a long way to explain your dog peeing on the bed.
Your dog is not trying to be aggressive or get revenge – quite the contrary.
If you have an older dog, they may have developed a weak bladder.
No need to worry! That’s just a normal part of aging. Start training with puppy pads.
A puppy or adult dog may get over-excited. It helps not to pay them attention until they calm down.
If this is a new behavior, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.
It may mean a urinary tract infection that is easily treated. Or, it could be a sign of something more serious.
Your vet can help diagnose and treat your fur baby.
When you get a pet, you’re taking on a big responsibility. It’s essential to watch for any changes in behavior.
It can lead to the early identification of treatable illnesses.
Plus, your lovable companion deserves the best! Make time to bond with them in a meaningful way.
Take them out on a regular schedule.
Most importantly, don’t get too upset if accidents do happen. Trust us! Your pup does not mean any disrespect.
The whole eye-contact thing is not to be taken the wrong way. It only means they want to tell you something important.
Listen to your friend. They have something important to say!